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    1. #1
      Yew is offline
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      Dream Journal for Yew

      To start my journal, I'll post my first lucid dream from a couple nights ago, then I'll post any and all dreams from here on, this one's short:
      At the point I became lucid I must've been in a shopping center. I remember being indoors facing one of those plants' spots with seats around, like most malls. Realizing I was in a dream, I thought, "My hands, I'm supposed to look at my hands." I did and noticed fingers coming and going. Of course, I got really excited and immediately my surroundings got hazy and eventually I woke up.

      It was great.

    2. #2
      Yew is offline
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      Dream from night of 1-09-05

      I remember:
      I'm walking down aisles of our local Wal-Mart with my sister in the lead. I'm pushing one shopping cart and pulling another behind me. I'm skating on the floor, except I have no roller skates and it's really fun. Two people I see are my bosses at work who smile and wave hi while they do their shopping.

      I'm at a convenience store watching TV, when a cool song comes on. I listen, expecting something catchy, only to find it's a commercial for 7-11 gas station. I remember suddenly looking at a hot dog conveyer, then waking up.

      That's all, I have the feeling there was lots more, but I can't even pull that up from memory.

    3. #3
      Yew is offline
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      foggy memory

      My recall for last night is the worst:

      A resident at the nursing home where I work was forced to move from his room because his roommate did not like him. He is a resident where I work but he's not my patient. His roommate in my dream is my patient in life but is a female, so the two would never have been roommates anyhow.

      Vaguely I remember shopping too, but that's all.

    4. #4
      Yew is offline
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      nursing office

      I am in a nursing office looking at the MSDS manuals and other binders, my boss and coworker from another job come in and look at some other files. Both are very curt in manner but pleasant still. I remember the feeling that I worked in the nursing office, when in fact I don't. Also remember seeing my sister somewhere in this, but not sure.

      The above would have been the second dream I'd remembered. There was a first after waking up in the middle of the night but I must not have chosen to remember.


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