• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #126
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      Quote Originally Posted by ranma187 View Post
      wow, you really are the lucid dream god&#33; good stuff&#33; I finally broke my dryspell. I tried to dield afterwards but i turned over in my bed when i forgot what to do xD[/b]
      Yeah I turn over alot sometimes it feels like I wake up a good 10 times, one of those times I usualy do deild, well I had a dry spell this last week, I have to say the key to breaking it was to dwell on deild enough and to act productive throughout the day as long as I didn&#39;t feel like a lazy bum I usualy will do pretty good when I try to ld.

      I wanna be the very best
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    2. #127
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      I woke up around 1 am maybe and felt as if I had a head ache but a diffrent kind it wasn&#39;t physical like you&#39;d get a painful pulse every few secounds but my thoughts were racing all I seemed to care about was doing this one thing that didn&#39;t make sense to me at the time, see it was like my left brain was turned almost completely off and my abstract right side was thinking because it&#39;s much more active at night and that&#39;d make sense, I need to work on turning it off at night and in my dreams, because I find it hinders my ability to lucid dream sometimes, if I could just learn to relax it might be of some use to me but right now it&#39;s overactive and out of control which is why I was never that creative, when I&#39;m thinking using my right brain I can not describe it to anyone it works off feelings and emotions, may hide secrets that only my subconscous/dream guide would know.

      I made this entry because I&#39;m very interested in this part of me, and understanding it better, sometimes I feel as if I need to do something at night and apon awakening but can&#39;t really figure it out because I&#39;m to tired to try.

      I wanna be the very best
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    3. #128
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      Been awhile since I posted a lucid dream, well it came to me in a recent dream this morning and I'll try and decribe it, it's a dild.

      1: I was in a class room and it was about over, and I couldn't figure out where I should go next, another kid next to me also couldn't figure out where he should go next, so he asked the teacher, where do I go next, she didn't say anything, suddenly I asked the teacher what was this class we were in right now? then I reached the conclosion it must have been a dream, I got up from my chair and walked over to the kid, I bent over and wispered into his ear that this was a dream (I heard some other kid, say something similer like he was repeating me, questioning his state as well), he got up alittle startled I felt as though I might have trouble walking it wasn't so bad, the kid followed me out into the hallway, we walked a bit looking into diffrent classrooms I asked him what his name was, at this time I knew he was a DC, he said his name was "Lunch" I thought it was funny, then I heard something behind us, it was the kid I heard wispering in the room, I didn't acualy look behind us I heard his footsteps, we both picked up the pase, I think we throw stuff at him as well, he caught up to the other DC kid, I ran paste him, the ceiling was higher here, and I tryed to fly, but I knew I couldn't do it, I had an FA shortly after.

      So I guess this is rightfully my 200th ld, if your wondering how my ld count jumped up to 198 to 200 I had an ld last night as well.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 05-14-2007 at 11:54 AM. Reason: Grammer

      I wanna be the very best
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    4. #129
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      Lets see, I was in school and school had just started everything was fairly vivid, I figured I could make it to the bathroom before class started, even though i had no idea were one was, I ran through the halls till I got to a big room (I could see several people ice skating from other rooms, it was pretty good quality clearity) I was in the big room and I saw a cage in the middle of it, with a bear underneath some wire and I think something else was in there to, I don't remember who it was, sonner or later a large stuffed dinosaur about 15 feet tall was almost climbing out of the cage, and I was trying to pet it, I was afraid of getting biten, but I didn't, I asked it were I could find a bathroom it said to go left and around the corner, so I went through there, and the bathroom was like a 5 star hotel bathroom, like in billybobs thread about "real" lucid dreams, I was peeing, when all of a sudden multipul people entered the bathroom, some were female, and I tried to cover myself up as best and as fast as I could, I ran out of the bathroom embarrest, and wantd to get to class, I noticed were I was was very fimiler then all of a sudden I did a nose check, and was amazed to find it a dream, next thing I know I was outside of school, behind a gate, I rubed my hands together, and remembered what gothlark had said, to rub my hands against dream objects, and I felt the fence, as well as the ground, were I ripped up some clovers, everything was still not very vivid, I talked to osme kids about the fact that this was my dream and they were only my creations, my voice seemed to work pretty well, and came out at a desired tone, and pitch, I started towords the school, I teased acouple girls and such, some looks somewhat familer to the girls in my school but diffrent colored hair and weird clothing that they never wear, at this point I thought I should find my crush, I went into a classroom that I osmehow thought she'd be in, instead some other girl took her place, she wasn't my type at all, all of a sudden I noticed a notebook computer in my hands, and it was gothlark talking to me on msn, what he said was a blur to me, but I wanted to try and read it, I think he said he finaly achieved something and I noticed the words OOBE perhaps a few times, his messages were coming out nearly every secound, so I typed mine "Guess what I'm in a dream" or somehting that came out something like "Guess what _=_ in a sx5" (almost exactly the same text as in the dream about 95&#37; accurite) I had troule typing, and the dream faded, I was determend to do deild, but the fan was on pretty loud and it was hard to do deild.
      I'm going to start puting normal dreams down now, since it's almost summer and I just figured out that good dream recall is the ultimate key to deild, and I am one of the few on here that doesn't suck at dream recall, no offence for the most part most people admit to it.

      I also plan to do deild with an alarm which if it works, it'd be an almost surefire way to ld, no matter what my dream recall is.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 05-26-2007 at 07:58 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
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    5. #130
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      Had a major vivid dream this morning, I only got about 4-5 hours of sleep, because I know have 7 fever blisters in my mouth, which sucked, but I had a really vivid dream, kind of reminds me of the polar express, ok first thing i remember was going outside, and seeing a large train in fromt of my house, except it was very large looked like it had 2 stories, the conducter came to me and asked me to come with them all, I didn't know what to say, I sensed I was not ready to get on the train, and I'd better not go, the conducter eventualy gave up and drove away, But I beleive I must have got one right when they were pulling away, I was taken to a huge huge rollarcoster like area, and this train was going to go around the rollarcoster loop which is larger then anyone that I've ever seen it is still night out, and lights were lighting up the track, then I saw something amazing, these acrobats were running acrossed the tops of the train when it was going around this huge rollarcoster loop, and when reaching about the top of the loop probably anywhere from 400-500 feet high and they would do an arial jump and land all the way at the bottom a large number of these acrobats did this over and over again, I was amazed and thinking this just couldn't be possible but because of the vividness I didn't get lucid, ok I also remember being in naother dream that featured the return of this portable wii from another dream I had that I don't know if I wrote down or not, anyway it was playing resident evil and for some reason showed a racing game instead, though later I would be sucked into the actual resident evil game, something interesting I figured out apon entering the mansion was that when I tryed to turn my flashlight on the light turned on but the ray stoped in mid air only inches in front of me, apearently it was so dark that the light could not penitrate the darkness, later I remember having several weapons and fighting zombies and suprisingly dinosaurs.

      Also I have had several lucids i nthe past week or so that I havn't kept track of on my lucid count, I'm thinking of diching it, intill I can start having some more interesting lucids on command, purhaps through wilds.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 06-07-2007 at 03:58 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
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    6. #131
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      Ok so I had several lucids this morning from DEILDS, I woke up in the morning, my fan was on suprisingly loud in order to do dream re-entry but I knew that if I just let the fan fade into the background and focus on dream imagery I would make it, so thats what I did, and soon enough I was dreaming.

      1: Ok I found my self in my room no big suprise checked my hands, observed some detal on them, I looked at the room as a whole, I don't remember anything specific, I went down stairs, to find my dad sticking his head into the coal stove, I was scared at first, some kind of glitch happened (new term for weird stuff that I can't really discribe, such as mest up imagery and sensations) and I didn't feel scared anymore, I saw some wierd zombie like figured that sopposivly were my parents, and next thing I know, I found a large mouse hole, I felt as though I was just experiencing something that someone elses mind made for some reason, because when I crawled through that mouse hole, It looked like I was in some kind of cartoon like bambi I could see flowers and little critters, and everything was as it would have looked in a cartoon, I eventualy realised I was not in a tunnel anymore, and stood up everything went to real life looking again, I was in a clearing tall tree's and grass were all around everything had an orangey tint to it, like the sun set, my hands had the tint as well, I started trying to fly with failure at first, then I remembered something I did, I would run slower and jump straight up with my arms above my head, and then bring them down as if I was doing an exercise this would make me feel like I was pushing myself up on the wind, and I got up pretty high, unfortionitly all I could see was a birds eye view (directly at the ground) and I was stuck, just looking down at the ground, and tree's, I managed to get down, and I was walking along trying to make the letters L and D with my hands combined, but could not make the D, some weird glitch accuired and I woke up.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 06-12-2007 at 07:19 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
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    7. #132
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      Another lucid from DEILD, I disovered that if I imagen spinning around in bed, or rolling repeatedly I can cause a dream to happen faster even though the cars outside were making noise, it was a challange to keep from bringing realisation back to the physical but once I got started I could keep it going. I then actually felt like I fell out of my physical body.

      1: So I rubed my hands together a bit, and climbed down stairs, when I entered the living room I found that some figure was on the otherside of the room, infront of the couch, I know found that I had glasses on, everything was vivid for a secound or 2 then when I tryed taking the glasses of everything got blurry, this creature tried to grab me and take me to the kitchen or something, it had an alian like apearence, I fought it, kicking and punching, but they didn't seem to effect it, when I kicked and puched I felt tired and worn out, the more I did it, I think at this point I must have woken up, I did the spinning thing and I was back in, the creature had some kind of drill type thing and was using it on me, I just relaxed and didn't care much, I then went outside were I saw 2 even weirder creatures, they had horns on their heads, more like an extenion of there actually head then horns made of bone, they took something from the other creature that he had taken from me (Note: it was in fact semen but the creature did not have sex with me, he drilled the drill into my side, not in my butt ) soon I woke up.
      No I was not abducted, in less an alian was just standing out in my backyard.

      I wanna be the very best
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    8. #133
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      Another lucid with deild, but I had a very interesting dream, it was reather entertaining and it featured a theme that I feared as a child and gave me a great idea on a new video game, ok I was playing resident evil except I was the main character

      1: I was standing in a bathtub and it was dark in the room, everything was quite clear though a zombie all of a sudden apeared in front of me, quite life like I now could see that I had an aray of weapons from crowbars to knifes, I swong the crowbar a few times at the monster and it was dead, more zombiew went and came I eventualy realised that I had special abilitys and was begining to like the hand to hand combat stuff more then guns, I could do my super power a few times but would have to wait for it to recharge, the super power included my swing my crowbar around very rapidly and violently, I could suualy take down 1 whole zombie per super, but I soon met a lizard like zombie it was harder and much fearcer, but I kept up the fighting and won (how could I loose except waking up ) anyway I was afraid more zombies would come into the bathroom, I almost swong at my brother when he came in, a zombie soon followed him, I wasn't ready to deal with him in such a small area and took him out, I got out of the bathroom and beat him up as well then a small red fox with a very dangerous gun was running around, I beat the crap out of this thing he was saying he'd kill me, and I eventualy grabed him by his tall and throw him violently into the stove burning ashes spated everywhere he screamed about how he'd get me back for this, I think I through another zombie or to into the coal stove, all of there boddys burning to chorcoal then I woke up.

      2: after waking up I spun around in a bit diffrent fashion then usual I protended to grab an imagenary stick in my bed and use it to swing around out of my physical, and soon enough I was out and probably pre-maturly too because I could still feel some of my body in bed, but I wasn't too quick to open my dream eyes, I opened them slowly, I looked around I was just about to go down stairs everything seemed pretty real mainly because I was so confident with my last dream, when I got all the way downstairs I saw that we were living in a large mansion now, the rooms were huge, and ther furniture was royal and very expensive, I saw my mom, and several others I did not know, I remember it was quite vivid but I somehow expected it to be unstable and alittle bit of unstiblilty accured as a result, I eventualy went outside, were I saw a hott girl with a bikini on, sitting in a lounge chair, se was nearly nakid and I could see her privite part sticking out, I just went up and sat next to her, and began teasing her, and I wasn't planing on sex to ruin this lucid, so I left, I saw a large group of kids run out when I left the back room, I decided I was going to show them that I could fly, but I must have gotten to excited I woke up.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 06-14-2007 at 04:05 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    9. #134
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      1 deild and 1 dild this morning, first dild in awhile I've been having deilds everyother morning though, I know don't use a bar to flip with, I just imagen doing front flips and I go right through my bed.

      1: This dream began with me and gothlark talking on msn live I didn't have a microphone but I could still talk to him, his voice was diffrent and mine was too, he had spiked hair and was standing up out of his computer chair the floor was blue, then I noticed him change he morphed into an older version of himself his hair was longer now, I then remember being inside of his house, I noticed a little girl about 2-3 years old, I wondered if this was gothlarks sister or something but he doesn't have a little sister, there was a mess of blocks on the floor and she was going around picking them up and I was helping when I relised I must be dreaming, everything was very vivid my visuion changed a few times I relaxed my eyes view tried not to blink but when I didn't everything got foggy after awhile, I don't remember anything else but I woke up a few minutes later.
      2. I got back in unfortionitly when I tried to open my eyes I kept getting frozen images not the first time this has happened I could not use my physical will to walk I had to mentaly walk around my room, I was able to get downstairs mentaly but I was blind I didn't think to activiate a mental sense of sight here so I was basicly blind, and I tried to move physicaly but I was paralysed I wasn't fully in the dream probably.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 06-23-2007 at 11:26 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
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    10. #135
      sea bee
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      Quote Originally Posted by LucidDreamGod View Post
      Ok, this one is a bit blurry, and somethings I only remember because I told my mind to remember them.

      Winter flood( not lucid )
      I was in a small valley filled with snow that had about 3 inches of water on top of it, and I was riding a sled, that you can stand up on with a scooter type handle, I was trying to beat a person named logan( know him from school) we kept taking turns and there where a lot of corners we had to turn. I remember I was on top of a hill and my science teacher kept telling me to go down, the water was running off of the hill in a stream on top of the snow, when I went down the hill a secound time, I when of a ramp and whent so high into the air(about 50 feet) and my sled disappered, I could see logan on the ground, it hurt my stomach I went so fast through the air, I then know I would wake up, and I did

      I had a dream about school too but it&#39;s so blurry I dissided not to show it, it had to do with me being late or something.
      Lucid Dream God: Thanks for your comments and your imput on this site. I see you mentioned MSN or PM. I'm an a new computer person and not clear how to use these sites or what they stand for. I would like to communicate with you if I could for questions etc. If it's OK with you. Thanks, sea bee (member)

    11. #136
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      Thanks for the complements, PM means private message you click on my name and you should see the option some were to send me a privite message, and MSN is an instant messaging program, which you download at msn.com.

      By the way are you by chance a navy sea bee, I'm actually thinking about being a navy sea bee or I might work with computers.

      I wanna be the very best
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      To lucid dream is my real test
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    12. #137
      * LucidInCuB!zt's Avatar
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      Good job on kicking that kid's ass, the one with teh soccerball lol funny.. i would have done the same thing
      .................................................. ................................

    13. #138
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      Yah, that was fun , thanks for reading this.

      No lucid today cause I woke up a bit early so I could fall asleep earlier tonight though come to think about it my friends coming over so I might not get that chance, so yeah crappy time to start lding, anyway my dreams will be split up into paragraphs cause I feel my dreams are always connected somehow even though it might not be apearent to you guys reading this, and numbering them gives them a diffrent dream kind of feel.

      I'm in my house, I think my friends over, and his dad is there. His dad walks over to me and gives me a pack of cigarretts (I don't smoke) but I keep them at first and in fact try to hide them cause my parents might see them, but then I just decide I ought to just give them back to him, he says "your better off without them anyway".

      I'm at school I don't know what class I have and I know I'm back from from break but I don't think it was summer. I remember I have to go to art class, I found it went in and sat down. The teacher was my old art teacher from 9th grade. There are two projects that we are assigned to finish the first one looks like a board with strips and string on it mine had a possific name it was called aerosum or something similer. My secound project was a picture of santa clauos with random people, it apeared to be from runescape it had the same graphic design anyway.

      Me and a friend are thinking about becoming actors, I can't describe it more then that because it was so confusing to me, later we were in a class room again. My crush was there which will probably apear in 60&#37; of my school dreams, including her friends, there was this substitute teacher who was african american (he changed into an african american anyway) he was very strict with are papers I remember turning in one and worrying that he would give me a bad grade cause it was kind of sloppy, there was another teacher in there this one was a women, and the substitute teacher kept talking to her, some kids in the class were saying how they thought this guy liked the other teacher, he held a basketball at one point, and he kept talking about how women liked guys who meditate cause there 25 minutes early or something like that?

      3 dreams really good for my first journal entry in acouple months.

      I wanna be the very best
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    14. #139
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      Ok I just woke up from 2 lucids one was a dild and one was a deild, dilds are coming real easy for me now I don't know, all I do is think about lucid dreaming alittle throughout the day, and I had 2 dilds yesterday.

      1: I was in this resident evil type dream and I asked my mom why she didn't get attacked by monsters where as I kept getting killed, she told me that when I enter a new part of the dream that I should act as if I just entered a place were I've always wanted to go, and I should allow a bit of exightment to come over me, I then became lucid and instantly teleported to my house, I go out my kitchen door and I ran out into my yard, (I decided to do this bare foot because I wanted the textures to be felt vividly so I could stay in longer), I kept on talking to myself about the dream in the dream and became more lucid, then when I looked up from the back of my yard I didn't see a parking lot, I saw a harber with boats and water and ducks, and lots of people all very vivid. I walked around you could see on the other bank of the river that there were resterants and such, I walked into an outdoor restrant there were picnic tables and other things you might expect to find on a dock, then there was this obsticle course like thing I started my way through it, there was a thin walk way with just a bunch of obsticles (hard to describe other then that) I kept going through this and I met up with 2 people one was a guy about my age, and one was a girl a bit younger then me, the two and I were know racing it would seem but it seemed more like we were going through this obsticle course thing together just so we coul get to the end, the girl ended up way behind me, and me and the guy came to a half way mark where there were 3 stands of diffrent size repressenting 1st 2nd and 3rd you would think, he allowed me to get up and stand on one of them I don't know if it was first though, then we went through the secound half and the same thing, but he told me it was his turn to stand on the finish line, so he did and we went into a small diner or something with both guy, and girl and a bald man that I assumed to be those guys couch, he congradualated us and even me, after that the dream started fading and I woke up in bed.

      2: I tryed imagenary flips it took a few times since the fan was draining a bit of my concintration, I walked out into the exact room I was sleeping in (I usualy sleep upstairs but as of temperarily I sleep next to the kitchen) I couldn't open my eyes yet, when I did I just got freeze frames of my house, finaly I managed to get my eyes open and actvly perseiving, it was dark outside and in the kitchen but it turned brighter quite fast and soon there was light outside, I began to go outside with bare feet as I did in the last dream, but it faded, and my mom was making noise when I woke up, which I knew would hinder my dream re-entry intill I could sleep upstairs, which even then that don't stop people from lawn mowing right next to my bedroom window

      I wanna be the very best
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    15. #140
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      havn't posted in awhile, I've been having deilds pretty much daily if I sleep well with deild.

      1:I had been laying in bed for awhile I woke up but felt too awake to try deild, but I eventualy remembered I would try even though I forgot to do the reguler deild steps since deild was coming so easy for me now, I started imagen myself doing little leaps in the air, it became easier and I imagened a full backflip feeling the change in gravity and the floor against my feet, I did 2 more full backflips, feeling fairly stable I finished it off by feeling myself jump to the floor and do 3 side rolls, and that did it I was finaly in my dream body, I got up went down stairs and through the living room someone was there I thought it was my brother but his hair wasn't blonde, I went to the kitchen and started trying to check my hands well standing next to the fridge, my right eye was covered with this sticky black stuff so it seemed, and my left I struggled to keep open, and I have no idea where I went from here.

      I wanna be the very best
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      To lucid dream is my real test
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    16. #141
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      Ok I accidently x'ed this page out well I was almost done typing this dream down, well I have a pretty good memory so I'm going to do it ocne again .

      1: I was on vacation at my aunt and uncles house I do beleive, I remember talking on a comp with my crush, we talked for awhile and the only thing I remember her saying is sex<-->milk (I'm guessing she was asking me reather I liked sex or milk) I thought about saying milk cause I didn't want to act like a sex addict, but decided against it since I wanted her to know I liked her, she also told me I had to say it in a voice clip to her, but I was afraid to cause my mom and brother were still around,

      but I still did it in a kind of quite tone. I don't remember what happened next I know my mom moved the computer or something cause I was now upstairs, once again she messaged me I don't remember what we talked about, but she had to leave (which was unconvinent since I wanted to confess myself to her how I feel) I strongled to type "awwww, goodbye " just when I was about to send my computer glitched up showing a skeleton man walking in a feild of bones (I'm guessing symbolising "when it rains" a song by limp bizkit it was close to the cover of the album "when it rains" was on and the only song I have listened to is on that album is when it rains) ok the next thing I remember is being in the shower with my computer talking to her once again (lol yes I had a computer in the shower in my dream(maybe to much time on the computer in real like ehh ))

      I was trying despretly to type of my feelings to her cause the key bottons were all over the bathtub, I can't remember if I was succerssful or not, I tried getting on the computer once again when the computer loaded it loaded showing a picture of a blender which was quite srtange, I opened my contact list and looked for my crush only 2 names were there sexe girl or sexy girl, and destiny or maybe her name was dallian from DV i don't think my crush would have called herself sexe girl but what did I know she did ask me reather I profered sex over milk, and dillian was explainable perhaps she does resemble my crush with that thick dark slightly wavy hair (and not to mention she's very attractive ),

      later I woke up then fell asleep again continouing the dream, I remember my parents were holding a party or perhaps getting ready to leave or something, my dad as he left told me the name of his highschool crush full name (I can't remember what it is though) I decided to tell him mine (not going to say it here) I then decided I would show him her picture in my year book, my brother was there I just shoed him away (he already knows anyway) when I was pickign up my yearbook from this year my dad told me my crush better not be black or something (my dad is slightly racist in real life, though he pretty much just doesn't think a black women and a white man have ever been together) well my crush was hispanic but I didn't give a damn to show him, I brought the year book out, my older brother was there as well he was wanting to see her to, I agreed and started searching the year book when I fliped through it my older brother commented on some of the girls asking me if they were my crush every guess was wrong though,

      some of the pages were like paper and nothing was on them and soem of the pictures were quite strange looking, I don't remember showing them my crush though, I woke up or something and then fell back asleep and continoued the dream I was trying to use the bathroom or something I remember having to go outside and acrossed the roal in a small doggy house with a urinal it was hard to get into I recall slipping out a few times trying to hide myself as the cars went by, I remember trying to move the house further up the cliff later cause it was on an unstable peice of land my dad was yelling at me telling me not to move it but I continoued waking up sometime later.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 08-18-2007 at 06:14 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    17. #142
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      Ok lucid number 226 was an ok lucid certainly not crappy as most of mine are.

      1. Was about 3-4am in the morning, I wasn't sure why the hell I was outside, maybe for a late midnight/morning walk, and how was I going to explain this so my mom 0.o I was in front of my school as I recall there were a bunch of little kids and the morning light was over everything I could see there were also cops around (I noticed my dreams have reflected what I watch on tv last night alot this morning) one kid stoped me and he told me what the heck are you doing here "this is gods time" suddenly when I was walking into my backyard I got a confidence that overcame me and then I questioned the fact that why should I be outside at this time, and then I was lucid. From here on I steped away from my house when I looked back everything was night, I tried looking over and over at the path I was taking to the park by my house but it was still dark over there, I just went with it and walked over to the park, at the point I senced someone with me maybe my brother and someone else was there too suddenly a fog came over us all someone suggested I use dream control to make it go away so I did, I had the idea to control the sun so I looked into the sky and said "make it light outside" and the sun or was it a moon came moving along the top of the sky it had a blueish tint to it (like the moon but more shiny and blue) it lit up everything, so I continoued down the trail around the park now I looked into the sky and a row of spinning long white things were there (hard to explain them, think of a long huge white factory mixer out of it's tub of contents and in the sky) as I ran they began to fall behind me at one point I was actually moving intop of one commenting to my bro on how good I was at dream control, I fell out of the dream ironicly and then did a deild and re-entered it, I was at the same place but this time on the playground and I climbed up a small kiddy staircase and told my brother to tell me a pass code incase we were sharing a dream, he got confused and mad told me his pass code was just pass code I wasn't srue it was the real life bro anyway but he moved so real and his talking made sense but was not under my control at all. next I found a girl laying on the playground (and old crush on mine from way back, she was 16-17 at this time though) we started making out and I beleive we had intercourse I tried to look up as to not end the dream, it was working one of her friends came along and they started talking and she commented on how she shouldn't be talking to her at the same time well f ing me, the orgasm was not very long lasting and a tad bit weak, but still felt good non the less. I was done and got up the girls friend was someone I know from real life and she has a crush on me in real life (been bugging me to go out with her) she slong a steel belt at me it didn't hurt but I told her to stop, she then told me she really liked this other guy (I forgot his name) next thing I remember was being in a house sitting acrossed from this guy (he looked pretty life like) I told him I could stay in this dream as long as I wanted I just had to relax about it, then ironicly a secound time I woke up.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 08-21-2007 at 06:03 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    18. #143
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      Ok this thread is going to die as soon as I can have lds on command through visual wilds, but I'd just like to say that this is not the end of my dream journal entrys, and I have been lding I think about 240-250 lds so far, I had like 3 lds this morning, quite long and vivid but my memory of them is vague, I still have trouble with dream control (well saying that probably would makes it worse >.< ) but the reason I want to make another dream journal is after I master lucid dreaming, I want to see the improvement on my dream control, and throughout this dream journal I had diffrent practice sessions and diffrent amounts of control during that period depending on how much I practiced and then I had to relearn it after that time over and over, well the next dream journal should show a steady inclination of dream control.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 03-25-2008 at 08:59 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    19. #144
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      Ok I've been having lucids alot lately and all, but havn't felt the need to write them down, because I just don't need dream recall with deild or wild, either that or I don't require dream control that much, but I wanted to record my shared dreaming attempts with Volcon.

      1: I had a bad night sleeping, for some reason and the past few nights even, I've got a scenerio going through my head or some kind of a goal and it's all I think about, this was obviously the shared dreaming attemtpt and later on it was about doing wild, and these kinds of scenerios that run through my head all night put me in a bad mood, anyway it gave me an idea, that I'm going to just write down all my worries before bed, and set my alarm and when I get up, I'm just going to do a wild not think about it. Anyway a stroke of luck woke me up at just the right time, I began imagening falling off my bed, it was more of a scene that I imagened reather then it actually happened, I wasn't in a good mood and my confidence was suffering, I got up from the floor realising I was now in a dream, I walked to the stairs and went down, as I walked through my house I tried to put on a smile but their was still a hint of insecurity, you can't fake confidence like I think I can when I really am in fact confident, the house was fairly dark and outside the windows were pitch black too, I began to turn on the lights most of them worked, but not very much, I walked into the kitchen and saw a fan blowing on one side of a counter, it made me calm down a bit, and soon I saw outside and it wasn't so dark anymore. I decided to go outside and went out the kitchen door, as soon as I reached my yard I remembered that I wanted to share a dream with volcon, so I began yelling out his name and trying to feel his concept or whatever you call it, then I began using his real name, and running around the yard, soon after I spotted someone over acrossed a fence playing basketball or something, they came running to me, it apeared to be one of my friends from real life apon closer inspection, he past by me right before the dream ended.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 01-08-2008 at 01:00 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    20. #145
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      Ok I woke up early and decided I had nothing better to do then post my dreams, I will now hold nothing back from what happens, I admit I held back on some of the abstract things, but now I'm not. So enjoy the strangeness of my dreams for what they are .

      Earliest I can remember is being in some auditorium like place, possibly at my house or something, this guy who had long brown, kind of shaggy hairstyle was in front of us all (all of my class) anyway this guy kept looking at my crush who was sitting in the audience, and I observed her reaction, they seemed to be communicating somehow with their hands and expressions, she went up on stage and followed him into what I took to be the boys bathroom, all I remember doing is going up to it and pissing into it . at this point it morphed into my house for sure and I could hear him in their now in my brothers room, I listened closely and heard what apeared to be a video game that he was playing, I sat next to the door for awhile, then I decided to play smash bros brawl, so I got up and started playing my crush and the guy eventually came out, they went over to the living room area and he began playing what looked like a wide calculater with no screen, he called me over to give it a shot, I walked up to him and took it in both hands, I started pressing random buttons on it, and he pulled up an identical one, as I pressed the bottons each time a wave of vibrations hit my fingers with certain keys, it accured to me that he must be prodicting each key I would press, eventually I had a vision of going inside a cave or something and I could not find my way out even though it was apearently very easy (being a one way cave), and I phased back into this original dream the guy looked at me and laughed, saying something along the lines of "he couldn't find his way out of a cave"

      I was walking through the halls of my highschool when I went up the ramp type thing to lunch in my school, and there was a short line of students, my brother had run ahead of me for as reason I can't quite remember, one of the schools securitairys were stopping people, apearently asking them if they had a cell phone from what I could hear, as the line moved up my friend brett signed the sheet after he had been asked if he had his original planner, he handed the sheet to me as the teacher asked me if I still had my planner (that I beleive she said she needed to photocopy), I looked the sheet over quickly, it had a few names I didn't recognize my friend brett was on (and he signed his name as JT)there and next to his name was a "No" I was going to put no when I remembered I did have my planner (but wondered if it was clear enough to be photocopied, since I wrote in it sometimes), I signed my name in big messy letters and tried to wright "Yes" next to it, I also saw my brothers name a few spaces up, then she took it from me and led me to a familier room. This room was a room that reacurred in my dreams for many yearsm usualy of dreams I'd have of my elementary school and me being lost in it, there were a number of rooms that would reapear usualy big with many doors and confusing, the kind of place you didn't really feel you had the credentials to be allowed in. This room was big, with a egg dome type roof, the floor was a light gray, and the walls/ceiling was a bunch of windows, I would have probably gained lucidity if I would have been planning to. onlike most times the room was filled with people, high ranked officials of the school I was guessing, we took a turn to the left from the meeting area, I beleive I saw my old math teacher mr. cook, we reached a small room with a big table in the middle, I was told to put down my stuff, I did and I took out from underneith my stuff a planner that was attached to a folder, with a bag, that included varies tubes of diffrent colored liquids, I discided it wasn't mine and found my planner, which seemed normal, the securitairy took it and took out another clear bag of this time what apeared to be empty medicine measuring cups, then I noticed a huge rectangle fish tank shaped container, filled with a liquid that was dark rich brownish/red. She placed each measuring cup in at the very top and she then seemed to be confused, questioning is this the right amount? she called over a man I didn't recognize, fairly tall, deep voice, and a patch of brawn hair on his head. she asked him what was the right amount for a martini, he picked up a few more measuring cups and dumped them in, and then went away, she still apeared to be stressed about what was the right amount, don't remember anything after that.

      It may have started with my brother and me hanging around the living room area in my house, it was fairly dim, then all of a sudden there were 2 of my brother there, at first I thought it was a mirror, I put my hand through the doorway to find out. It was not, and my brother said something along the lines of "you know what that means" I gained a small bit of lucidity at this point, and chased my brother around what now seemed to be my school. (this could have very well took place right before dream number 2, but it's confusing to say, since this one seems more closely linked to the dream that came after)

      My mom parks her van outside the school, a bit of a distence away, she says something along the lines of "if we park it here no one will think it's very special" we got out of the van, and everything from this point on is a big blur to me, then I remember us coming back to the van and me thinking we were going on some big trip.

      I had no clear Idea of what kind of creature I was charrying around throughout the dream, at times it seemd like a little girl, at other times it seemed like some kind of giant hamster, anyway I was just heading out of what apeared my be my school parkinglot, onto a roadway, I had evidently been told to go to the airport and get on a plane, with this little orange haired girl that apeared quite tiny, I noticed I had brought lunches for the both of us, and as we walked out the little girl grabbed one and ate it all up, even though I advised her not to, we kept going down the road way, we came to the 3 way intersection, there were no cars in sight, I wondered were the airport was. I saw one plane take to the sky, it came from the west road, heading to the passageway to the east, I took the west road, it seemed discerted as far as I could see, it was straght acrossed then leading downward, I began taking the other road but decided it was just as discerted. So I began to take the one to the west, we kept going, intill I came to a small cylander shaped fence with a wooden framed gate, just big enough for the wolf inside of it. I turned away then turned back and the wolf was outside the gate now, I turned around to run into a small cave on the side of the hill besides the road, it was quite narrow, for some reason the little girl ended up inside the cave further then me (now apoearing as a giant hamster like creature, half girl, half animal) the wolf stood between me and her, it was a one way cave so it was hard to get by the wolf, but I somehow managed to outspeed the wolf and take the little girl/hamster backoutside, I totaly covered it/she with towels and made it back to some porch that apearently was were my parents were, all this time I ran I didn't look back, the wolf was biting my heels, the pain wasn't actually painful. by the time I got up to the porch I observed that no one seemed suprised at all, I turned around to see a wolf like man, the wolf was standing on his legs like a human, I handed the girl/hamster to my mother, she opened the budle of towels, and reaveled a small furry creature, that apeared to be a mouse. (anyone else see something in that dream)

      If anyone is wondering why I recalled so many dreams, I simply went to bed early and woke up early, and I woke up alot during the night, ALOT, so that may have something to do with it (a very common symtom of going to bed early, and one I hope keeps even after its an established sleep shedual), I didn't take any notes though, this is written directly from my own memory.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 03-25-2008 at 02:54 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    21. #146
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      My dreams were too long to recall, I remember being in a huge mansion and having alot of people in it with me, there were stores in there, and auditoriums.

      Anyway I did have a lucid dream or what seemed like 3 lucid dreams, let me try to explain them. Well in the mansion I suddenly questioned why I was walking around this mansion when I could be flying outside (I just thought I had always been aware in my dreams) still not quite lucid yet I was in this meeting room at a table, the only person I identified with was charles a kid in my class. he had a hat on, as I looked around at the room I noticed that the notes on the walls changed from small to big, and the hat on charles's head grew varies sizes, all well this was happening I was telling myself about how weird my dreams seemed and how everything was changing constantly, I imeadietly decided to do something funner. I tried to get up and everything kind of became dark, this window came into view, I lsot all focus of my body and my open hand became the rims of the window and soon I saw outside to a town place with black and white buildings and then I was going down the street with this rectangle window again, no body at all, the rectangle became the window of the car I still didn't cotnrol my body but the car was treversing acrossed several roads, there were lots of cars. then I decided I wanted to control my body again so I stood up, the rectangle became my eyes again and as I stood up, I gained about 100 feet over the town, it was now a toy town in the mansion, and I could see the little people and the little cars, everything went black again. This time I struggled to create something I eventualy could feel that I was on the very end of a slide, I couldn't see for some reason, and I thought that I could not feel correctly so I kept trying to focus more and more on the feelings, they eventually got quite vivid, I begame satisfied and got up off the slide, and then I just opened my eyes to see, I was in the park outside my house, and as I walked forward I saw my crush on the sidewalk, she smiled at me. and I went over to her to try and kiss her, but just as I got close to her, she disopeared and people holding signs replaced her. the signs said her name first, with all of them each showing parts. but they slowly morphed into very vivid pictures, I saw several, they were all of people, some I recognized from school some I didn't, the first one showed people I couldn't recognize and I didn't really remember that picture, the next one showed like 7 or so people, I saw my crush in the background of this one beside her stood a tall guy, why medium kind of light brown shaggy but still neat hair, as I recall there was a guy even taller but he could have been standing on something. From there I have no idea what happened.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    22. #147
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      It has been around 7 months since I have posted anything here, I have the urge to post the lucid dream I had this morning, because I feel my memory of dreams is improving and I want to see if I can remember exactly what I did.

      I was visualizing a room, as was a habit of mine throughout the day (it commonly brings lucid dreams when I practice during the day) It was going along great but I wasn't in the mood for a DEILD, but I said "what the heck, I have school in the morning I might as well try" I felt that I couldn't move it seemed as if I was paralyzed in the guest room beside my bedroom I waited a moment and just tried getting up, I was successful. It was really dark in my room and downstairs, I started to try and make it light downstairs, it flickered and I was kind of successful. I tried to imagine being outside unsuccessfully. I went downstairs and went through my house making my way outside, it was night out, almost pitch black at first, I ran to the end of the yard and leaped up, for some reason I imagined someone behind me yelling "go get them". I started flying off the end of my yard feeling as if I was being trailed the sky got brighter, but the flying was hard to do. I couldn't maintain my momentum or boost myself forward so I fell to the ground. Then I was able to boost myself onto a roof, one of the school roofs of my elementary school, there was this young girl that showed up and I began to run away onto another part of the roof, but I then got this odd false memory/feeling that I was in the dream in order to bring back a set of jewelry to my waking life, and it would all work out. I had to confront this girl several times, and so I did, at the base of the elementary school she dropped a bunch of bracelets, a ring, and a necklace. It was dark again and I ran to the jewelry to pick it up, I examined the necklace well waiting for the dream to fade, and it didn't fade very fast. I decided to get up and explore, but the dream faded when I did. I found myself in my bed I noticed the bracelets beside me, and franticly searched for the necklace I had examined, I found it under the covers, it looked slightly different from what I remembered. I found myself in my school lobby next telling my brother about the jewelry he didn't really believe me, or maybe he did, not sure. I then gain a lot of coherency and realize the jewelry is not going to go to the real world with me, and thus I must still be in a dream, I exit the building and confidently begin to run jump and fly for awhile before landing near a car, I try to jump on one of the cars, but it begins to move. I fall off of the car and it kind of falls onto of me, I jump out of the way, but more cars continue to fall on top of me, before I wake up for real.

      I had a non-lucid where I was laying in a narrow bed in a narrow room and I was about to get some orange juice from a near by cupboard, it was dark in there, my father entered, forgot what he told me. When he left I tried opening the cupboard to get a drink of orange juice.

      In another non-lucid I was sitting in chorus I think and directly in front of me some distance away was my crush, she began smiling and waving at me, I waved back, then I began to cry or at least tried to cry.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 10-20-2008 at 03:02 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    23. #148
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      Well I had 3 interesting and very vivid lucid dreams this morning after a random deild and not attempting one in many months.

      I remember some interesting things before these dreams, I had just gone to sleep after waking up at 10:30 am from my dog licking me in the face and falling asleep into a huge R.E.M. period.

      I was playing some kind of quake game, the person was like reviewing it well my character moved around, they said how safe the game made them feel, that they could hide well, and play around with the movements a lot of times. The game was really vivid, next thing I remember is a guy handing out free video games to a group of people out of a plastic bag.
      It all started in the kitchen, I was kind of hovering around for fun, I noticed I could sort of glide for a few seconds, and it was very suspicious It made me aware of my state. I picked up something something I forgot what it was and I broke it very easily even though it seemed unbreakable. Just to be sure I started breaking other stuff around the kitchen such as a coffee cup with ease. First thing I remember doing was seeing some random girl and started attempting to make out with her, which was very unvivid. I stopped and opened the front door to go outside. I was surprised it was so vivid and light, as I made my way to the back of my yard 3 dogs began chasing me. I think they were on a leash, one of them may have been my dog, they tryed to lick me and jump at me, not in a violent way. I started trying to fly. I wasn't that successful only hovering above the ground the dogs could jump up at my and make me fall again. I kept making an effort, try to get on top of the bus garage outside my house, I tryed to make a wind sound like I had done in the past but I failed. I then blacked out.
      I deilded with ease
      I woke up in bed perhaps my mom and brother were there. I ran down stairs. I remember seeing my dad, forgot what he said, I felt lucky to have the dream still in the day, too many dreams at night . I decided to go out the front door this time. I flew out to the left of the road not caring much about the cars. There began to be a thick amount of trees and they were taking up the whole road. I eventually got stuck in the branches of one of the trees. I managed to break through and ended up near my elementary school, which I live right by in real life as well. I began to try and fly up one of the corners of the building (using my wind sound effectively), I was more successful this time, reaching the stone covered top. I ran around here noticing a door and other parts of the roof. Then I see a car type structure stick in to the side of the building with people in it, I jump down in side and this lady has this plan with these guys in the car. They either have to move around and push the car off from the wall resulting in us all falling, or face something else. I decided to push the car over to get out of it, even though I was afraid of falling a long distance and waking up, but I had fallen from much higher places well flying. The car crashed down I then threw something at the lady, and then a snake which actually high fived me. Then I jumped with ease up on top of the wall again. I then try to climb toward the highest part of the building, as I walk around I comment on how this is the true state I always want to be in, and how vivid it is, and I reach a new level of awareness much like my waking life awareness. As I look around I see an interesting but awkward landscape, the hills look realistic though slightly 2-d (I live in a valley), I also see a giant tree with a rounded top and bushy green leaves. I make a goal to climb the tree but I then black out.
      I deild again, this time it is more challenging, I roll out of bed with ease and know it is a dream. I began to walk down stairs but instead of being in my house I end up in another room, that when I look around it appears to be large and nicely decorated. I see something on a shelf and pick it up, it is a doll with a human like face though much simplified and stretched verticaly. I begin to walk further into the house I think I began noticing people around some rich looking guy comes up and greets me. I forgot a lot of the things this guy said but they seemed so intelligent and constructed at the time. He shows me around the place, I think of drawing this house and labeling the rooms when I wake up, since the house remains stable and he gives me the names of all the rooms. I compliment him on how good the house looks. He takes me back to the beginning it slightly irritates me. But he shows me this hallway I never noticed before, with two doors, he says the name to one of the two rooms but I don't remember. He shows me around hallway into "my room" he calls it, says he drinks a lot in their, and I say it isn't a big deal. We walk around the front of the house, I forget what it looked like but the place was overcrowded with fernature. Then we begin walking into my high school, the rich guy turns into my environmental teacher Mr. H and we see a lot of kids walking around. I decide it'd be a good idea to practice my social skills, I try and talk to several kids with not much response, I see Russel by the office from my grade and say hey whats up? I see my brother and talk about even in a dream how awkward I feel around people. Then I black out, I try to do another DEILD to break my chain record of 3, I begin to feel as though I just might make it, but I am just too awake .

      Well I was typing this all out my brother came to me and said he had about 9 lucid dreams from the dog waking him up throughout the night , so yeah guess the dog gave us 12 lucid dreams in total this morning.

      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 11-30-2008 at 06:43 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

    24. #149
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      Jun 2004
      DJ Entries
      I just woke up from my first winter vacation sleep, had about 3 lucids, the dream before hand was really vivid.

      I think I had just gotten back from boces and I was heading towards the bus, but our bus driver tells me that I left to early, he is right for some reason I learn that it is around like 10:45, and we leave at 11:15. Somebody else comes out behind me and when they get on the driver decides that it is alright to get on anyway. When I get inside the bus it has a funny shape, the seats are all connected parallel to the bus and connected like a bench, Tim my far cousin and school peer is sitting beside me, I decided I haven't tried talking to him for such a long time. I ask him if he has ever played Final Fantasy 8 (he's crazy about final fantasy in RL) I don't remember how he answers, or if I even know what he said. He does get out a gameboy type system and plays tetris on it. Sometime later I see a bathroom in back of the bus, I don't remember if I have to go but I go back there. When I come back I find that we are at what looks to be an air port. At first I think were at some big school who have there own plane . We sit there for awhile a little confused. Somebody comes to the front of the bus, and talks to the bus driver then they leave the bus. Then through the side window of the bus I spot Ray sitting in a resteront through a window, amanda, and brandy step out to go meet up with him. Somebody makes a comment on how ray always gets the hot girls. Before we leave I get an urge to pee really badly (this probably reflects the fact that I didn't go to the bathroom and when I woke up I really needed to go quite badly) I didn't want to leave the bus, but I remembered the bathroom in the back. I go back in the bathroom, it is huge now, there are multiple stalls. And urinals are all around, before I can go, the bus begins to drive. This causes me to slip and fall on the floor, and the lights go out, so I am in complete blackness. I hear my friend trevors voice, he is near me, he tells me where he is by telling me the texture of the floor that leads me out of the bathroom.

      I really don't remember my lucid dreams as much more then fragments, the first one I apeared somewhere outside. I went into my neighbors house, but it led into mine. I remember some girl I tried to kiss, and it felt like I was kissing the top of a bottle cap, and the bottle cap came off in my mouth . I went outside and flew around but didn't have much luck before the dream ended.

      I remember it was very difficult to stay in the dream, without falling out and DEILDing back in. I think maybe because I was so worried that I would fall out it just caused it to happen very frequently.
      Last edited by LucidDreamGod; 02-14-2009 at 05:10 PM.

      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause

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