Yesterday i didn't even say my usual mantra that i think/say at night, and i had a great dream and recall. That's neat. seems after a while of practice, you just know you want to dream so your mind takes care of it.

usually i've been doing mantras right before sleep "Later tonight i'll be dreaming...etc" "i have interesting and memorable dreams" repeat them many times.. And it does work, but yesterday i didn't even do any and i had a great dream.

My dream was me in a big church, my coworkers were there(girls) and then Chinese people choir in front.. then another choir in the middle with the audience. THe members were all elderly people but it was great. great voices and harmony.

Then a soloist guy singer sitting behind me. And btw the church was not of the religion that i'm of, the church was like those huge chrsitian churches in TV like with that guy Joel.

Anyways, then the choirs started all singing it was great and then the soloist started. he had a great voice. And then we were shown a short film with a message. At first, it started off with a very religious image and i was like "Oh no...not all people believe in that so why are you showing us that" .

great dream . it was very interesting, sometimes funny, etc. and a big plus that my coworker girls were there and for some reason they decided to sit in the bench on the right of me.(even though it was a huge church and they could've chosen another)