I honestly cannot tell you the last time I remembered a dream. Especially a vivid dream. Hell, I remember dreams more often when I take naps in class than I do when I go to bed at home. I've been bothered by this a lot recently - not even pursuing lucidity - and I did some research. Let's say I'm a person who faps excessively. Like, typically twice a day, at minimum, every day, practically every week, month, excluding when I can't (vacation, family, w/e) and been doing so in excess since I was going through puberty about 4 years ago (I'll be 16 soon). I'm clinically diagnosed with ADD which is essentially a lack of dapamine, so that doesn't help either because dopamine helps in your sleep cycle and dreams. Anyways, through amateur research, orgasms release a bunch of neurochemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and others.. These can affect dreams and sleep cycle if you have TOO MUCH or too little. In my case, I assume it would be too much. They can reduce recall, clarity, and other dream factors. This would explain A LOT. This is my second day of quitting. Can anyone confirm this?

Whenever I do have dreams they're really spacey and unclear. I have melatonin and b-6 I can take, so could that help?

Does listening to TV or having it on during the night affect dream recall, lucidity, or anything else relevant to such?

When I was younger, I used to have really cool dreams. Even precognitive ones. I used to suffer from sleep paralysis, too. As I've gotten older this has ceased pretty much. Could this be due to the excessive flooding of neurochemicals from orgasms?

Any advice is much appreciated. Please just tell me I haven't completely and permanently messed up my recall and stuff..