I know its been said here before that marijuana affects dream recall but man it reeeeaaaaaaalllyy does! i usually smoke multiple times a day (and even still im remembering decent dreams, with help from keeping a dream journal and reminding myself to remember them) but i decided to see if the weed really messes with my recall. I took 2 days off from smoking (might not seem like much to yall but it is if you smoke like me) and i remembered the most vivid dreams after the 2nd one. I actually remembered 2 dreams from a nap and 3 full dreams from later in the night, thats alot of dreaming for me within that short span of time! Yesterday i smoked a whole bunch, but still like always, focused on dreaming as i went to bed. I even took B6 for the first time to help with the recall and vividness. Anyway i woke up this morning and remembered shit.

Out of all the reasons i should be quitting or greatly reducing my smoking, i think dreaming and lucid dreaming is gonna be the thing to make me do it.

damn i meant to put this in the dream signs recall section. sorry to the mods about that.