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    1. #1
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      A RP is a Role Playing game, where you control a character in various duels with other characters. It could be dream related or not, but it would be fun... If you want more info, bleh, post it here.

    2. #2
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      We used to have a forum called the Adventurer's Hall, The Belantof and Spheres of Influence... sigh good times. The archived stories are still in the Dreamviews Favs if you want to check them out.

    3. #3
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      Here be a sign up sheet type thingy.

      Section 1.2: The History of the Arcane Arena (In-Character)

      The multiverse is a big place. I mean really big. Amazingly impossibly huge is what I’m trying to get across here. It’s basically infinite. But there’s one universe that very few people know about, and that even fewer know how to get to. It’s nigh-impossible to find this universe unless you know exactly where it is, or unless you stumble into it by accident. For most people who come here, it’s the latter. People who wander the multiverse, particularly those who like to fight, occasionally end up here. It seems as though this universe was made specifically for the purpose of having people fight there, for the worlds are all uninhabited, yet there are structures on some of them. At the same time, the worlds vary so wildly in size, climate, terrain, and such fundamentals as gravity that anyone can find a world that maximizes their capabilities. There is only one quality that they all have in common, and that is that those who die in battle on any of these worlds are revived the next day, ready to fight again.
      But that is not the oddest thing within this universe. That would be what’s in the center of it. Everyone who ends up here arrives in this building, a massive architectural wonder. Some time ago, four young adults who had entered this dimension set up their home in the then-abandoned building. Why? Because they, like almost everyone else who enters this world, were looking for a home, and all love a good fight. And so the Arcane Arena begins anew…

      Section 1.3: The Facilities

      Within the center of the universe known as the Arcane Arena floats a structure, a rather unique structure at that. A massive architectural wonder of metal and glass, this structure is the entrance point for all who come across the Arcane Arena. From without, one would see a gigantic clear dome half a mile in diameter with a cone extending from its bottom, like a tremendous ice cream cone. Where the cone meets the dome - that is, at the base of the cone - four smaller spheres, each a good quarter of a mile wide, are attached. One has a clear roof like that of the main dome itself and oriented in the same direction, directly facing the sun the entire structure orbits around.

      If one were to look down through the clear metal of the dome into the structure, one would see a central lounge occupying the majority of the central dome, surrounded by a steel-floored ring. Lining the ring are hundreds of doors, each containing a set of living quarters appropriate for one or two beings. Regardless of one's race or preferences, they could find a room suitable for them after a little bit of searching. The temperature within the entire structure is moderate, at a level comfortable for most beings.

      Along with the quarters, along the outer edge of the ring are four wings labeled in each of the cardinal directions. Within the west wing is a variety of machines for training with both energy-based and physical techniques in-between fights. From a shooting range to old-fashioned weight trainers, the west wing's got it.

      The east wing houses medical facilities. A solid mix of magical and technological healing is available here, allowing fighters to recover extremely quickly from even the most serious of wounds. Living constructs can be repaired here as well, but pure machines will be better served by going to the south wing.

      Within the north wing is a large garden; this is the sphere that has a clear dome overhead to enable the plants within to get sunlight. A variety of plants can be found in here, and they help to oxygenate the entire complex. While this is not entirely necessary, it also serves to provide a retreat for those who are more at home in the wild.

      The south wing is to machine users what the west wing is to those who rely on swordplay, for it contains a variety of labs and smiths. Extremely advanced technology is available here, allowing for both the upgrading of existing machines and the construction of new ones. Repair facilities are also here, capable of servicing any robotic fighters as easily as the east wing can heal living ones, as well as fixing or reforging damaged weapons.

      Below the central lounge is a wrought iron staircase leading into general amenities, such as food. Generally speaking, it's simple to find fare from one's home world, and if worst comes to worst one can make it himself, assuming one has a modicum of cooking talent.

      One of the odder things one would find as one wandered through the complex would be a series of warp chambers that would allow one to move quickly throughout the facility if they didn't feel like walking the half-mile from the east wing to the west wing, for example. A larger transporter is in the center of the lounge; from here it is possible to reach any of the worlds in the universe, or even outer space should one desire a battle there.
      This brings us back to the lounge itself. As the primary recreational area of the Arcane Arena, it is furnished with a variety of couches, chairs, and tables, in addition to the monitors that are positioned all over the place. These, when activated, allow someone to view any fight occurring in the universe from a variety of angles. One could easily go to the world in question and get a front-row seat of the action, of course, but depending on the collateral damage being displayed by the fighters in question, it could be a matter of practical safety to simply watch from the lounge.

      Section 2.1: What is the Arcane Arena?

      That's up to you. The original function was for people to be able to duel each other in a less restrictive setting. There is a plot slowly coming into foucs as well as interaction outside of battles between characters. You can never fight a single duel if you want, though doing so would be to miss out on a core part of the experience. My goal is to make this into a full-fledged RP centered around a massive string of duels and out-of-battle discussion, but it’s up to you to make that happen or not.

      Section 2.2: The Rules of Conduct

      Should two people decide to fight, PM each other to decide the location of the battle. Try to pick worlds that put neither player at a serious advantage, unless one player wants a disadvantage for some reason. When a location is chosen and the terms are set, create a new topic on the main board.

      Fights can be to the death or until one player surrenders, or until some other term is met. Tournaments may be organized if the players so desire. Other than that, you’re free to do whatever. Have in-character discussions, train, watch other fights, whatever you want to do. Just have fun.

      People can either go straight to the Arena, sign up, and start playing, or they can sign up here first to get feedback before they start.
      Section 3: The Signup Process

      Username: Your username. Put any alts you might use as well.

      Email/Contact Information: Yeah, how do I contact you? IM address is optional, but email is a must.

      Name: You have a name, pal. Hopefully it’s not an adjective followed by a noun.

      Race: Human, elf, orc, dragon, crystalline construct in a human form, what? If it’s a race people aren’t likely to have heard of, describe it.

      Age: In human years, please. If your character is ageless, how old does he/she look?

      Description: I want height, weight, eye color, hair color and length, build, clothing, the works. Put in as much detail here as you possibly can; I want to be able to envision your character.

      Personality: You have one of these too, I hope. Yeah, this thing’s important. Amnesia is bad; so is the strong silent type, generally speaking. Put in at least a good paragraph.

      Abilities: What can you do? Are you a pyrokineticist? Can you fly, turn into a dragon, what? Are you a magic user, a swordsman? Speed, power, defense, what’s your focus? You can develop new stuff as you go, but list all your starting abilities. Note that it’s a bad idea to state specific techniques; I don’t want to see a list of attacks here. If you have electrical powers, don’t say “Thunder Dancer: Creates a homing line of electricity. Blue Bolt: Summons a lightning bolt from the sky.†or anything like that. Say that he is capable of manipulating electrical energy. On a more fundamental level, he has control over electromagnetic force through a quasi-conscious, intuitive manipulation of photons, and can thus amplify any electrical source and focus it into bolts of lightning. Drawing power from any electrical source, even the air, is easy enough, but in space his only option is to draw on his own bioelectricity, which thus drains his energy at a much faster rate than in a terrestrial setting. Oh, but I’ve got that one already… <_<’ This gives you much more versatility and makes your character’s attacks less stale than doing the exact same technique with the exact same telegraphing every single time.

      Weapons/Equipment: Weaponry, mechanical enhancements, Swiss Army Knives, all that stuff goes in here. If it has any magical powers or enhancements, list them. Again, these things can upgrade, but what’s your starting stuff? Gunblades, Keyblades, buster swords and the like are out, plain and simple. You make a guy dual-wielding any of those, you die on the spot.

      Biography: What was your life prior to finding the Arcane Arena? Amnesia of any kind will take a damn good reason. You can be from anywhere, even another RP if you wish (but in those cases you need a good reason to suddenly be here). Solid two paragraphs at least, but don’t make a ridiculously long bio either. If it takes more than a post or two just to do the bio, you’ve gone too far.

    4. #4
      Party Pooper Tsen's Avatar
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      Well, as I remember things, the Adventurer&#39;s Hall put up a good fight, but ultimately decayed and fell apart from lack of interest, and I don&#39;t think things have changed enough to make it successful.
      But hey, give it a shot I guess, you never know.
      [23:17:23] <+Kaniaz> "You think I want to look like Leo Volont? Don't you dare"

    5. #5
      Join Date
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      Trying is the first step to sucsess. Unless you&#39;ve got magic, then trying is out of the equasion. Cuz, y&#39;know... You don&#39;t have to actually move...

      Any questions?

    6. #6
      Member PNG_pyro's Avatar
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      The end of the earth...
      Hmm. I&#39;d be interested in this, but I&#39;m going to see if anyone else wants to join before I throw in my token. Just a question; you say, "sign up here, then go the arena;" does this mean there&#39;s going to be a separate board for this?

    7. #7
      "O" will suffice. Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by BeautifulDreamer View Post
      Any questions?[/b]
      Yeah. What&#39;s the battle-system like? Turn-based T1 as in Yahoo rp and whatnot? Or some other form?

      I might be interested.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    8. #8
      DV's Vexiest Vex Kitten's Avatar
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      I just left a couple of rps I&#39;d been playing for years. Got sick of the jack asses that over run the sites.

      I may give this a shot, depending on how well structured it is.
      Hate loose rps where players can automatically claim godlike status.

    9. #9
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      I only play D20 based RPs.

    10. #10
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      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post
      Yeah. What&#39;s the battle-system like? Turn-based T1 as in Yahoo rp and whatnot? Or some other form?

      I might be interested.[/b]
      This is, for now, just a world where you can set your own duels. As in, you use Arcane Arena to create whatever environment you want. This also means you can have any system. True, mixed, cheese, or whatever. If I do make a tournament, though, there will be a set system in the interest of fairness.

    11. #11
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex View Post

      I just left a couple of rps I&#39;d been playing for years. Got sick of the jack asses that over run the sites.

      I may give this a shot, depending on how well structured it is.
      Hate loose rps where players can automatically claim godlike status.[/b]
      Godlike is a big no-no. I originally learned to RP at GameFaqs, and they got on my case in my early days. So, unless you want your battle-system to be cheese, try not to do that. Of course, I can&#39;t help it if you&#39;re just an awesome writer.

      About loose, well... This is, in it&#39;s real form, just a universe for duelers. I&#39;m thinking of creating a tournament, perhaps even factions within it. (Well, you guys can make the factions.) This will invariably lead to wars, and we all know how much we love wars.

    12. #12
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      Quote Originally Posted by PNG_pyro View Post
      Hmm. I&#39;d be interested in this, but I&#39;m going to see if anyone else wants to join before I throw in my token. Just a question; you say, "sign up here, then go the arena;" does this mean there&#39;s going to be a separate board for this?[/b]
      Yes, asher is granting me a sub-forum, as we don&#39;t need to clutter Entertainment General with countless RP posts.

    13. #13
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      Hmm interesting. Good luck with it. If anyone is planning to do a more storyline based story I will gladly join. As long as no one quits.

    14. #14
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      Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
      Hmm interesting. Good luck with it. If anyone is planning to do a more storyline based story I will gladly join. As long as no one quits.[/b]
      As soon as I get the sub-forum, it will be open. Like I said, I am planning on making a storyline based war, and of course you can create your own.

    15. #15
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      Hello and welcome. I am BeautifulDreamer (You&#39;d know that if you took half a second out of your life and read my username.) and I want to tell you about a new thing that&#39;s GRIPPING THE NATION&#33;

      OK, not gripping the nation. But the board, anyways. What I propose is a RP- A role playing game. Some of you dusty oldbies (Kidding, I love ya.) may remember the Adventurers Hall and it&#39;s famed RP, Spheres of Influence. I know I don&#39;t but I have read that RP and discerned that this board has some pretty good writers.

      My RP is called Arcane Arena- a universe seemingly made for fighters. You can find any environment you want, with your choice of gravity, terrain, and et. cetera. What is common for all though, ids the fact that when you die you wake up the next day, good as new.

      Now, for specifics, I will give you my topic, but for now, let&#39;s discuss skill. I will not let anyone get ahead of any &#39;noobs&#39; by sheer god like characters. That is what I call cheese, and I forbid it. I don&#39;t care how good of a writer you &#39;think&#39; you are, this is partly about improving yourself as a writer. I and others will duel you, showing the ropes as we utterly destroy you.

      Arcane Arena is based around duels, or competitions between two or more players. However, I will be introducing a tournement, factions, and when you get factions, you get wars. AA will be a truly fun expierence, and I urge you to join.


      Questions are glad to be taken.

    16. #16
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      Forgot, me and asher are discussing the possibilty of a subforum&#33;

    17. #17
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      Having never tried one of these before I am quite interested, Ill decide if I want to join shortly after this starts.

    18. #18
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      Nice idea, a DVRPG...
      I&#39;ll join once this has a good base. Right now it only has a good concept.
      LD Count: 7
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      Still, the most epic six seconds I have ever experienced...

    19. #19
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      Quote Originally Posted by BeautifulDreamer View Post
      This will invariably lead to wars, and we all know how much we love wars. [/b]

      Has anyone heard of Urban Dead?

    20. #20
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      I&#39;d definitely be in for this. I RP on a few other forums.

      What was/is your username over on GameFAQs, BeautifulDreamer, just out of curiousity? I might have seen you there. I&#39;m Westley_Janson there.

    21. #21
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      Quote Originally Posted by Man View Post
      I&#39;d definitely be in for this. I RP on a few other forums.

      What was/is your username over on GameFAQs, BeautifulDreamer, just out of curiousity? I might have seen you there. I&#39;m Westley_Janson there.[/b]

    22. #22
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    23. #23
      Back by Unpopular Demand NeAvO's Avatar
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      I merged both topics together seeing as they are identical.
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vex Kitten
      You're just jealous that I'm more of a man than you could ever be, sweetie pie.
      Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

    24. #24
      Led is offline
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      If I told you, I would have to kill you.
      Why isn&#39;t it open for business yet?

    25. #25
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      Quote Originally Posted by Led View Post
      Why isn&#39;t it open for business yet?[/b]
      Asher is still working out kinks, I guess.

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