A little collection of things to do (most of them are jokes) to prepare for GTA IV. I've read a bunch of these little lists, and pulled some things from them as well.

1. Juice up on batteries, or buy a play and charge kit.

PS3 owners, think about getting an extra long USB cable so you aren't three feet in front of your screen. Xbox 360 owners, if you have a Wired controller, get a wireless.

2. Stock up on food, beverages, and other essential items.

If you're in it for the long haul, you aren't going to be wanting to leave your home for an extended shopping trip (you know, the kind where you take an hour because you haven't shopped in 3 months) in the middle of a mission.

3. Call in sick to work/school.

If you're in elementary school, you shouldn't be playing this game anyways. If you're in highschool, you're going to have to wait it out... school is important. If you're in college, a few days won't matter. Use intelligent excuses, and for christ's sake, don't say that theres a death in the family.

4. Gather up all your friends PSN ID's or Xbox 360 gamertags.

Sure, you can be a complete loser and play with complete strangers, but nothing beats exploring Liberty City (and blowing it up) in style with a few buddies close at hand. Since there's room for you and 15 of your closest friends, you have no reason to exclude anyone.

5. Go to a midnight release.

April 29th my ass! Why wouldn't you pick this game up April 28th. Sure, it's technically April 29th, but it still feels rad playing the game while all your friends are waiting to buy it the next day.

6. Power nap/sleep April 28th.

Bedtime can wait. Hell, bedtime won't exsist. Why go to sleep if you're not tired? Sleeping from 10 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon nets you a solid day's sleep, and 6 hours to prepare for the midnight launch. Don't worry, be a man and stay up for the whole day, and you'll sleep like a baby the next night.

7. Be sure you have internet access.

If you're reading this, I assume you have an internet connection in your house. Be sure that you've connected your system to Xbox Live or PSN, and are ready to play online. PSN is free, and if you need some Xbox Live time, a one month subscription card is very cheap.

8. Go all old-school and play your old GTA games!

If you haven't done a "complete the series" run yet, you still have time. Each game is about 20 hours in length, and if you use cheats, you'll be fine. Hell, even with cheats, GTA III is hard.

Full Ammo- R2, R2, L1, R2, left, down, right, up, left, down, right, up
Full Health- R2, R2, L1, R1, left, down, right, up, left, down, right, up
Lower Wanted Level- R2, R2, L1, R2, up, down, up, down

Better yet, if you want to get really old school, go to THIS SITE to legally download the first two GTA games for the PC, free of charge.

9. Hang out with your girlfriend/do it dirty with your wife.

Nothing is worse than having your significant other call you the day you get the game, and complain that you haven't hung out in ages, or having your spouse complain that you're "playing those stupid games too much". Get it out of the way. Hang out with your girl before the release, or spend some quality time with your wife. Don't forget to get some Afternoon Delight before the release, because by the time the game is over and you've completed your GTA run your significant other/spouse will be too mad for you to get any for a week!

10. Seize control of the best television and sound system in the house.

Who wants to play Grand Theft Auto freakin' 4 on a 12" staticy television. Do yourself a favor and call dibs on the best television and sound system in the house. If you were thinking about getting an HD TV or an HD monitor, get one now. I got one a few months back for about $500.00 and it's sick!
