I really have no idea where this belongs, but I was thinking about things this morning. I was pondering why my life was so hard, why everything was such a mystery, and then homosexuality made sense to me. Not that I'm gay, on the contrary, I am attracted to women. However, emotionally, I was wondering why I was either full on emotionally crazy as fuck, or I felt nothing at all. I hated myself because I wanted to be able to feel, it was as if I were two different people, a beast and a human. And it struck me, that's what it is to be a male in human society. To divorce yourself from your feelings so that that the ones you love, the women and children in your life, can be emotionally whole. You do this to protect them, and to protect yourself. But some people can't do this, for some, it is too much, and emotions are too overpowering. They cannot divorce themselves from their humanity and being able to feel, and honestly why should they? Back when it mattered, before we were intelligent enough to make computers and create works of art and skyscrapers, before all that, somebody had to do it, and it was the person that was most expendable as a biological imperative. But not anymore.

Today is a new day, and if a man cannot divorce himself from his feelings and his humanity and be forced to feel hate in his heart, to deny his feelings, then why should he? The same goes for women, if they happen to be in situations that have caused them to shed their emotions, and for them to be strong like that to, then what problem is there? You don't even have to be gay to be like that, you just have to be a human being. That's all.