Some Statistics

Sample: around 100 students in university

A basic run-down for some people, correlation is based on a scale from -1 to 1 so a relation of .23 or -.23 is regarded as significantly correlated. When it gets to .7 or -.7 or closer to the full -1 or 1, there is likely something wrong with your statistic. I hope this sums up a years worth of studying for you, lol.

Openess and Self-Direction:

Religiosity and Sex Frequency:

Happiness and Sex Frequency:

Security and Conformity:

Who are the "none" and "other"? The test did not offer many subsections, but it is interesting to note the amount.

What do people typically regard as "extraversion"? Why is it so highly correlated?

I figured people would just be interested in seeing this one.

What do you think...?
