This is something which has been on my mind for a while. I began to discuss it in another thread, but decided to post a separate thread here in Extended Discussion.

Before I get to the main issue, let's make an assumption. As Iliad Keys pointed out in the other thread, there are many holes in the theory of evolution. Indeed, the fundamental ideas behind the evolution theory are inherently untestable and unfalsifiable; it takes as much of a leap of faith to accept them as it would for any religion. And those of you who know me know that I am nothing if not a skeptic. But let's just assume for the purposes of this thread that the theory of evolution is correct. That said, discussions regarding the scientific merits of evolution theory, while well worth having, should be saved for another thread.

Is mankind as a species done evolving?
Has modern society made the process of natural selection obsolete?

Consider: There are few ailments which modern medicine cannot cure - in time there may be none. Online dating allows even physically disfigured people to find mates. Technology is in the making which will make energy cheaper and food more plentiful. And it's only a matter of time before we begin inhabiting other planets. There are essentially no environmental pressures to serve as catalysts for evolution.

Some have pointed to the rising average height seen in many cultures in the past couple hundred years as evidence that we are evolving faster than ever. But this apparent surge in average height and overall size has leveled off - it appears to have been caused by environmental factors such as improved nutrition rather than genetic or evolutionary factors. It was not nature, but rather nurture.

Technology advances faster and faster. But is the human race destined for genetic stagnation?