I found a link to the Mona Lisa page somewhere here (the page is at the art link towards the bottom), and... Well, the title says it all. I was nearly weeping from the garbage he presents as proof. "I saw this in a dream, so it must be true!" These people (who I don;t mention as having met in real life) both saw it in a dream, and then it came true, so everythign I say about them is true! This painting is by Da Vinci, and this painting, isn;t, but that doesn;t matter because he painted them both! The Mona Lisa's Backwards because Da Vinci was dyslexic, and the picture reversed in photoshop is all the proof I need to back up my claim!

By the time I made it to the bottom of the list, I had a weak migraine, felt like I had been chopping onions, and wanted to find this guy and present information to him with actual context until he broke down and admitted he's a complete fool and should not add anything else to the already messed-up internet.