I'll start with a few things I learned today:

1. Relgion is created because of a deep seated fear in the human psyche of death and that there is nothing better than this life, but also because of an emotional and psycholigical want of something better. Also, religion is not based on the conviction in a belief, but in the belief that suits your whimsy.

2. Death is not the problem; self-awareness is.

3. Shakespeare hit it right on the nail: "To be, or not to be..."

4. I'm either psychologically/philisophically advanced for my age or I'm really screwed up and need to see a psychiatrist.

5. "Conciousness" and "Soul" are NOT interchangeable words.

6. People who dream lucidly have a higher spiritual/psychic awareness and most of you should t least be able to see auras (I saw an Aura friday, had my first control LD on Saturday).

7. Half of you will look at number 6 and laugh, the others will find the connection interesting and understandable.

8. Emotion is irrelevant; cherish every second of life, even the dull or sad parts.

9. Your shoes untied.

10. Most of you will think that no one's that gullible, but some actually will look.

-Disclaimer- No offence to gullible peopl.

Write your thoughts or comments, write your own, whatever.