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    Thread: Lapses and Recurring Dream. Any ideas?

    1. #1
      Once again. Raspberry's Avatar
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      Lapses and Recurring Dream. Any ideas?

      Okay, so first I'd like to explain my lapses (at least I think that's what it is) because it helps explaining my recurring dream.

      So sometimes I have dreams where I am a different person, living their life etc. Some of these have alot of action and are pretty awesome, although with others it's just their day to day life. When I dream I don't know who I am in reality. This person is me.

      Then I'll wake up after these vivid, intense dreams, and I'll go through a period of confusion. I wake up and I still have all the characteristics of the person. I can even get up, go to the toilet etc and still be thinking their types of thoughts. Then I get very confused because I'm trying to let it go. Then I'll get back to myself.

      Does this ever happen to anyone else..?

      example - I watched to Duchess one night, and went straight to bed afterwards. I had a dream that I was her, and then woke up. I went to the toilet, and was thinking stuff along the lines of "I need to get that dinnerparty sorted tonight..." etc etc etc. I was even lying in bed worrying about these sorts of things! Then I realise; wait... I'm me. Get confused, then sort myself out.

      So I have this recurring dream also; it's been happening since I was little, it's probably the earliest dream I can remember. I'm in a plain white room (like in the matrix) but in the air is a tight piece or silver string stretching from each end. In the middle is a needle spinning on it. I'm not a person, just something watching it.

      Then it cuts to some dirty, grey steps. There's someone sitting on the edge, crying. He's sobbing so hard and I just get this guilty feeling, like it's all because of me. Then I'm back in the white place. Stick figures come up to me, and accuse me of letting them down. I see a red clock click into place and know I've failed something, but I don't know what. It's as if i've set a bomb off that destroyed half the world or something.

      I usually wake up at that point, and then I get a lapse. At one point I just think "Oh my god... how could I have done that..." and feel awful. Filled with regret and guilt. Sometimes it's not a clock, it's a rocket. But the same thing happens.

      Anyone have any ideas?

    2. #2
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      Well your thoughts usually follow your dreams for a bit after you get up, and with them being realistic thoughts and fake memories, it really is like another person. One time I had a dream that I was another person with complete memories and that happened to me too, but I don't know why it happens so much to you.
      Raspberry likes this.

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