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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2010

      Young attractive women saying shes lost' in my dreams

      Approximately 5 years ago I went to a boarding school in Wales. The school dated back to the tudor period and 2 friends of mine shared room in the oldest part of the building which used to be a chapel/church. One evening all three of us were woken up to a spirit of a girl crying at 2 am. The noise would walk around our room crying for her dad and saying that shes lost, it sounded like she was the same age as me at the time (15). The noise and voice sounded crackley and almost like it was being played out of a radio. Everyone in the room admitted they heard the noise and it came back a couple more times. At the time i was petrified of the noise and tried to ignore it. The school priest actually came to speak to us about the girl becouse he had heard the story from other students, and he asked if we could politely say out loud that we couldnt help her one day becouse she is probably looking for guidance. Since leaving that dorm I had never heard anything else from the girl.

      Last night I was in a deep sleep and had a similar character appear. In my dream I walked upto a local bar with my uncle/godfather and it was closed becouse it was to late, as we started walking back to my house it began to rain and a very attractive young women aged around 20 was stood in the rain saying that she was lost and looking for her family. Although it was raining she appeared to not be wet and had a slight glow around her and she just kept repeating those same words almost like being in a trance. My uncle and I just walked past her, although we both did notice her and offered she just kept repeating herself . My uncle and i went to a shop to buy him a hat becouse of the rain and i noticed her out the window in a new location. We then arrived back at my house. I went upstairs to my room and looked outside at the pouring rain and instantly noticed the young women in my garden saying that she was lost staring into blank air. At this point I woke up with shock and my room was freezing, i couldnt go back to sleep and went for a glass of water.

      Could someone please help me interpret this dream/ I am curious weather there is a connection with the young girl or my subconscious bringing up previous memories. Many thanks for all replies and hope everyones enjoying their holidays!

    2. #2
      Member Huhwhatsthat's Avatar
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      While I couldn't help you interpret this, this is pretty interesting and I'll give you a bump.

    3. #3
      Member rubies3's Avatar
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      im no expert, but I'll give it a shot. Does this woman look in any way familiar? If so that could help you realize why she is there. maybe its a sign that you are too disconnected from your OWN family? As you said, your uncle was in your dream. However, it could be some sort of spirit that wants to contact you about something. Not in a creepy, possessed way, but just in a way that maybe she wants to tell you something, if that makes sense.

    4. #4
      Moo nsi dem oons ide kookyinc's Avatar
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      Being the sceptic that I am, I don't believe in a soul. So I discount the entire "spirit contacting you" thing rather automatically.
      I think this could be your subconscious reminding you of this event, as dreams may contain images and whatnot of very old, often forgotten memories. From an interpretation perspective, I would agree with rubies3 somewhat. This may be a signal that you feel disconnected from your own family. Or maybe you feel like you are having family problems... any relatives that you're having trouble with?
      She may represent you physically lost. Have you moved recently, or has there been a big change in your life recently?
      On an unrelated note, Huhwhatsthat, your avatar almost made me soil myself from laughter.
      I don't usually think, therefore I mostly am not.
      Quote Originally Posted by abicus View Post
      You can not convince the one with faith who needs not look for fact that the facts "prove them wrong".
      Likewise, you cant teach some one who looks for facts to have faith in the absence of facts.

    5. #5
      Join Date
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      Thanks for all the replies and comments dreamers! Some great feedback and insight into the dream. The young women did not look familair. Im very impressed that Kookyinc was able to pick up that I am not very close to my family, becouse i have lived away from home a long time, although i still love them dearly and stay in contact. Once again thanks for all the messages and all the best.

      Fulltilt dreamer

    6. #6
      Member Huhwhatsthat's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by kookyinc View Post
      On an unrelated note, Huhwhatsthat, your avatar almost made me soil myself from laughter.
      I seem to be getting that quite a bit... Thanks (I think).

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