I'm not really sure how to start...I don't even really know what Lucid dreaming is, except that it's an out of body experience in your sleep? My friend mentioned it to me....Well, I'm not sure if what I've been doing is Lucid dreaming or not, but I'm going crazy trying to figure it out...I mean, I've never even been on a website like this...I only just started googling dream interpretations and the such.
Where to begin? Well, my dad has these premonitions in his sleep that occur frequently, and so does his mother, and I'm not sure how far back the ability goes, but I do to. I'd never really thought much of it, but lately I've been looking more into my dreams than usual.
This next part isn't anything to do with dreams, but it ties in.
Ever since I was little, I've had these connections...I'm not really sure how to describe them...they allow me to feel what those close to me feel. So if one of my best friends is really mad, I'll get angry too, even if I'm not talking to them or even near them. I'm always able to identify the connection, so if I'm reading a book or something and -oh, I'm weirdly depressed? that doesn't make sense, better check it out...oh, yep, that's my friend _____, better call them and cheer them up. It's really useful, but I have this connection...and it doesn't belong to anybody I know. Yeah, I've wondered if I'm crazy plenty of times, but the thing is, I'm always proved wrong (about being insane).
Here's where the connections tie into the dreams.
I've been doing this thing...I had thought they were just dreams but...well they sort of are...they just aren't MINE exactly.
I would have an odd dream with a friend of mine in it, but it wouldn't be quite right...not like one of my normal dreams. They would do something - make an expression, or move a certain way, just give off that sense of personal...being. Something that is just so unique to them that my own mind couldn't duplicate it in my dreams.
Whether it's a small frown, the way they move their eyebrows, or maybe they turned right when I would have expected left - it's those small characteristics that clarify the knowledge I've had tugging at the back of my consciousness since the beginning of the dream and cause me to realize that I'm in a dream that isn't my own.
These dream jumps, for lack of a better term, don't happen often, but usually occur when I become connected to someone. I'm not sure if being connected is necessary, but I've never dream jumped anybody who I'm not connected to (at least that I remember.)
I would just shrug it off as a vivid dream, but there's just something about them that tugs at me, demanding my full attention once I wake up.
Well, then I talk to the friend who appeared in my dream, and time after time, I have conversations that pretty much consist of "I had a weird dream last night...you have any cool dreams?" and then, usually, they go on to tell me the dream that I had just had, and we would go on to exchange details, proving that it was the same dream (although sometimes they don't want to tell me, so I have to begin.)
Well...I think what finally got my interest with these skyrocketing (though I've always found them intriguing) is...well I jumped again the other night, but...it wasn't to any of my friends. Actually, I didn't know them at all. They weren't the extra connection, but when he saw me he said something like "You're looking for my brother".
Naturally, that's made my patience become worn down to a thin string.
I can tell you my jumps in detail if you'd like, but I just wanted to get the basics on here first...So if you don't think I'm completely insane, I could really use some advice/help figuring these things out (I record my premonitions, and I think they may be like puzzle pieces, because most are bits of conversation.)