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    1. #1
      Member xAvenged7x's Avatar
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      Very Weird Dream.

      I posted this on another forum but it doesnt get alot of traffic, so ill post it here.

      About a week ago, I had this very weird dream that was slightly disturbing. It left me thinking about it and feeling its effects for a couple days after. It was very vivid, but it wasnt lucid, except maybe one moment of it. Theres no way I can accurately explain how it made me feel.

      It started off with me and my girl friend (not girlfriend) walking together. I said goodbye and turned away. Then I heard people yell and I turned around and she was gone. Someone around said she fell in the (inaudible)!" I ran up and she was in this hole in the ground, but there was concrete near the entrance, below the edge and she was sorta between it and falling down in the hole. I dont know how to explain it. But I grabbed her hand and held her up so she wouldnt slip down in. I remember her saying "Please dont let me fall" and I said "I wont." It was all very scary. I remember seeing her face and it was a look of pure terror. (Also, shes one of those people who are quiet and doesnt talk much so it was pretty weird to see that)

      I didnt let go, but I felt something pull down on her and she sorta rotated around the hole and then it felt like something pulled down on her or she fell off a ledge or something so I really had to hold on. Then, again, I heard someone say "Shes inside the.. (inaudible)"

      I was suddenly in my bedroom, and there was a fat man laying down behind the end of my bed. You cant see it from the doorway. He had very short arms and legs but a big belly. I realized that she was inside him. This is where it kinda gets lucid. Out of fear for her safety, I took a large knife and I sliced his stomach. He yelled in pain so I had to slash his throat. Then I cut his stomach open but she wasnt in there. His guts spilled out and I felt extremly sad that I didnt save my friend. It came to me that she somehow died. My mother said something and opened the door and I spun around, not wanted her to see the dead body in my room. Nervously, I got her to leave and then I had to wrap up his body and dispose of it. Thats when it ended.

      The feelings of dread and sadness and fear were so real in my dream. The part where I had to slash his throat was so.. Idk. It felt lucid but I couldnt stop myself from killing him. And then when his guts fell out.....

      When I woke up, I thought about it for the whole day. It just came back to me now and I thought id share it with you.

    2. #2
      Lucid Master Ollie's Avatar
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      I've had dreams very similar to this.

      I had a dream where a girl friend (not a girlfriend) suddenly went missing. I was overwhelmed with a feeling of confusion, sadness, and hate. After analyzing this dream very deeply, I realized that I felt that way because I had strong emotional feelings for this girl friend, and had quite a crush on her. I didn't think she got eaten by a fat guy because I lost her inside of a maze. At the end of the maze, however, was a dragon. I figured that if anything was to take something away from me with force, it was the dragon. I heroically slayed the dragon, hoping to find the dead or alive body of my secret love within. I was unable to find the body, but I remember the purple blood and strange organs spilling out of the dragon. I figure that this is due mostly to my love of mythology, but I can somewhat relate it to your story.

      I would say that the thought of your friend being eaten alive relates to the primal human fear of being eaten alive. Why you imagined a fat man as the culprit? Perhaps you have a secret or even an open disgust towards obese people, or you fear them to an extant. Your mother probably came into the dream because your subconscious realized that these thoughts were 'wrong' to have, forcing you to dispose of both the body and the thought. There's something about moms that always make you want to stop doing something wrong due to the fear of telling them.

      I hope my information was somewhat helpful to you, and thanks for sharing!

    3. #3
      Member xAvenged7x's Avatar
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      Yeah I can see how that relates to my dream. It also seems pretty creepy but awesome at the same time.
      Lol, I dont think I have a irrational fear of fat men. But who knows, I dont meet many people that are that fat. XDDD
      Also, what do you think about the hole in the ground? It was the creepiest part to me I think.

    4. #4
      Lucid Master Ollie's Avatar
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      Well, in general, falling down into an abyss of shadow is scary. If you are afraid of heights and the unknown, then that explains why the event was so creepy. It could be taken in much deeper, however. Perhaps your friend was falling metaphorically in a hole that she could not get out of, and you wanted to aid her. Your subconscious has an amazing way of communicating things to you.

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