I'm plagued by terrifying nightmares, and for many years, nearly all of them involve my mother. This is no surprise- I'm terrified of her.

My sleep MD has had me on klonipin for a cpl yrs to help(which it drastically does reduce occurrences), both w/ the nightmares themselves and the fact that I VERY OFTEN talk, cry, laugh and such in my sleep. This happens more some nights than others, but there are some nights I'm woken by someone over and over again, to silence me, only to start back literally a few seconds later. I can go on for hours, just talking away- not mumbling- talking clearly, as I carry on whatever events are going on in my dreams which often seamlessly flow from one to another and so on.

Anyway, in all of my nightmares where my mother had been present for the past 3-ish years, I'm able to see my 3 little girls that I've not seen in over 4yrs now. I'm so happy, we're getting to bond and reconnect and then my mother always comes in and my girls and I stop our progression of rebuilding our relationships- I can tell they're afraid to talk to me anymore bc of her presence. Both she and the girls are still wherever the dream is occurring for a short while, before she leaves w/ them and I know I'll not be seeing them again- at least not for several years.

That description, without including any details as far as what's going on, what I see, our specific conversation, who else is present, where we are, what winds up being the way my mother manipulates the situation and winds up taking them away, etc. is a real incident that occurred, but I never dream it how it actually happened. Every single time, all of the details are different.

Thoughts? This is my first post, so I'm hoping this is a pretty active forum- really haven't done a great deal of posting in forums in general, but guess we'll see how it goes, ey?