During my dream, I was running really fast like the flash visiting places and doing stuff a speedster would do.
Then while I was running I felt a sticky substance slow me down. When I looked at it it was a spider's Web.
Next thing I know I was running from a giant spider with half women and half spider. She has only one eye.

I am terrify by the half women half spider thing that follows me around in my dreams. She is not friendly I've caught
her killing people in my dreams and taking them to her layer for food.

Is there any way to interpret this dream or finding a way to stop her from attacking me any further. I've given the thought of
becoming lucid to confront her but I've been inactive in Lucid Dreaming for more than 7 years. I have a very good memory of dreams
because I used to record them way back when. I usually dream about this creature on a daily or weekly basis.

Any help Interpreting what the Half Women Half Spider means would be of help, I know I didn't give much but its a start I'll keep updating the data on the
reoccurring dream.

Thanks. Gamma.