This is a non-lucid dream that I had back in October. I thought I would share this dream.

I had a charity dream. I remember talking to kids, they were sharing their stories about superheroes and really beautiful drawings with us at the Children's Marcy Hospital. It was close to Halloween.
It was a rainy day in the dream and it was colder than apparently other years. I remember feeling inspired. I have a cousin, Charlie who is battling brain cancer in real life. I didn't see him in the dream, though. I remember a little kid took my hand and led me to their table there, I sat down next to a little chubby-cheeked kid with strawberry blond hair. He had a little blue shirt on with his favorite superhero on it. Their parents sitting there at the small tables where we were sitting.
I remember listening to these kids as they shared their stories about their dreams. Across from me was a little girl with leukemia who was sitting there all alone. I felt really sad because she looked as though she wasn't having a good time there.
So, I decided to play checkers with this girl. I told her that she was way better than me at it but, I didn't mind because what really mattered was the fact that she was having fun, right? And making a connection, You know?? Then I woke up. It felt good to have this dream.