Okay. Over the past couple of weeks, I've had *way* more sexually-themed dreams than usual. And, some of these are just... plain odd. Last night, I was seduced by my history lecturer, who in real life, is 30, married, and has a kid. A freaking KID. And a few nights before that, I had a sex dream about somebody else I should definitely NOT be having such dreams about. And, a bit before that, I had an uncharacteristicaly kinky dream, which I'm just not going to go into more detail on.

Now, I've been reading the forums in Dream Interp and a few other sub-forums, and it seems there is a similar sort of "problem" repeatedly cropping up. The basic pattern goes like this:

Seemingly innocent dream scenario.
Dream character iof (usually) opposite sex, who is an inappropriate person/thing to have a sex fantasy about.z
In the dream, the dreamer then proceeds to engage in sexual activity with the wholly inappropriate dream character
Dreamer wakes up, and exclaims "Oh my freaking god(s)(or-lack-thereof)! Why the hell did I just (insert sex act here) with (insert inappropriate dream character here)! Oh crap, does this mean I'm a pervert?!"

You get the pattern. The same sort of pattern applies to sex ACTS which themselves are not things the dreamer would expect to have dreams about.

So, my question is: What is it that makes us, in our dreams, reach out and "grab" wholly inappropriate dream characters, to engage in sexual activity with? Is this just our unthinking, unconscious leibido grabbing the nearest convenient dream character to satisfy itself with, with totaly disregard for the appropriateness of the dream character? Or is this something more... does this display a sort of implicit attraction of our subconscious towards playing out our fantasies with "forbidden" dream characters?