Quote Originally Posted by lupo7 View Post
Reoccurring nightmares are a perfect opportunity for someone to get lucid at that age.
Actually I had my lucid in the age of 7 too, because of such a chasing nightmare?[/b]

Kinda, he was at a friends place and they put in 'Ernst Scared Stupid', a movie most of us would laugh at, but of course at 7 it wasn't so funny as it was scarey. The troll like monster only attacked children and when he touched them they turned into a frozen doll or something. And of course there was that typical scene where a child looks over and the troll is in her bed and attacks her. Yeah, I could kill the people that thought THAT movie was a good idea. Gesh!!

I have told my children to "change their dream" on a number of times, so I am hoping to get them into practicing dream control. I too wish I had a guide at that age, perhaps I could be having regular LDs by now instead of the ONE that has sparked me so. ::Sighs::