Do you think it is possible to visit a alternative reality through dreaming? A few nights ago I had a very real dream about myself although it wasn't me. In the dream I was a oppsite gender then I am now. There were people in the room that I didn't know either around my age.

Now here is the thing that makes it odd. A relative of mine was within the dream, but only after the 4 people I didn't know left. The room itself was the same as the room I have now except gender type objects were different. I was seeing things at one time through a over view when I went to explore objects, but at other times I was seeing through a eye view prospective.

There was a active conscious different from my dream conscious also. During the time that I was from my view it seemed like I was out of place even though some stuff felt familar. During the outside view experience I reacted like I would in this reality if certain objects were there that shouldn't be. I was also worried about objects being out that weren't mine and embressed.

Oh the dream was very real as well. Things felt just as real as the keyboard and screen I'm looking at to type. All 5 senses were within the dream and just as active as real life. What do you think is it possible to visit alternative realities through dreams?