I feel sort of unique in this regard: sleeping in does not enhance my recall or vividity at all. If I sleep in beyond the time when I naturally or artificially (alarm clock) wake up, I am guaranteed (I've had several years to verify this) to almost immediately lose all remembrance of my dreams for the entire night. I might have new ones during my sleeping-in period to make up for them, but they are always shallow, fragmented, and evanescent things that I can't remember upon waking. My best recall occurs when I wake up between 7-8 hours of sleep, turn off my alarm clock in the morning, and push myself into enough of a sitting position that I can't inadvertently fall back asleep. From here I close my eyes, keep very still, and assuming I haven't let the worries of the day flood into my head yet my memories come back to me full and detailed. After getting what I can out of that I might lie back down in the position I woke up in to squeeze more recall out of my somatic memory center (body position-associated memory), but only after I've woken up enough to trust myself not to fall back asleep again. I've never had a lucid dream and so can't say if I'm more likely to have them sleeping in, but I suspect if ever I did I'd have a hell of a time making much of them or remembering them at all upon waking.

Is there anyone else that despises sleeping in? Beyond destroying my dream recall for the night, it makes me more tired, more achey (especially my lower back), gives me a headache and a sensation of sweaty, greasy sleep-scuzz all over my body that I have to shower off. It makes me suffer from severe crankiness over missing the morning and blowing off my potential productivity for the day. I absolutely loathe sleeping in.