Heheh, I was just reminiscing about last night's dream. Really strange.

In it I had a domesticated ostrich which I used as a form of personal transportation (kind of like those shyguys and their ostros in Super Mario Bros. 2, world 5). I seemed to be really attached to my ostrich, too, like one might view a horse as a friend and companion.

Weird, because to my knowledge I've never seen an ostrich before (though I might have seen one at a zoo once when I was little), I don't live anywhere near whey they are indigenous, and I have no particular interest in them in any regard; heck, the dream must have been the first time in at least a couple months or more where the word 'ostrich' even crossed my mind.

I just thought it was really unusual, since the topics of my dreams are usually less off-kilter in respect to my daily experiences. Or maybe I've finally gone off the deep end.