
first alittle history:

I am 38. Divorced for a couple years. While I was seperated from the ex-wife (my choosing), i met a wonderful lady. We got serious and there was talk of marriage. Things kept popping up in her life where she could not, mainly having to do with her ex-husband. Anyhow, we broke up in early feb of this year after over 2 years together, her choosing. the reasons she gave me were not too clear. I thought we were soul mates. Any how. I have spent many a night since pining for her and crying for not having her. It took me a good 4-5 months to get over her. To me it was as if she died but worse because she consciously removed herself from my presence.

Now to the current:
I have met someone new and have been seeing her for going on 3 months. She is really great and I think I am falling for her. Anyhow, we are exclusive BUT we have not been intimate yet because she wants to wait until there is commitment meaning engagement probably based on what she has said. She is in her early 40's and never been married and no kids.

The dream I had last night was that I was with my old GF outside and in the dream we had come to an agreement to marry BUT with the caveat that we needed to wait to have sex until after we got married. I didn't like this in the dream and she wouldn't even kiss me or anything. She was somewhat hostile to me in the dream but the details escape me now.

I'm not sure what exactly to make out of this dream. Is it me thinking of my ex or comparing my current to my ex and realizing the grass is not greener on the other side (with the ex?)..

Not sure.. Any thoughts are appreciated...
