surreal man, haven't been round in well forever cause i really haven't been dreaming. Due to my habitual smoking habits, but the other nite, well a few nites recently been dreaming which doesn't happen when I smoke strange enough but, To the point; I have had a few about ruining from something, so it seems, fighting off zombies, insurgents, gangs with guns, or others I have feelings bout but can't recall, know? But the strangest was one in which I died ,ya, actually died in dream, can that actually happen? I thought not! I crashed in a helicopter in a first person pov and when I crashed and instantly died I rose above the fireball and was looking down at the carnage then woke up, but when I woke up i felt strange like an out of body strange, never done that before. Well just thought i'd share my puzzlement, any thought would help. M.