Has anyone ever visited space in your dreams? Anyone ever, by chance, come across a planet of intelligent Space Bears?

I hope nobody minds that I posted a dream in here. I just found it extremely interesting and thought to share it with whoever.

I found myself in space, fighting in an epic space war. I flew my own craft, that looked like a small flying saucer with a bubble top. (Spaceman spiff style) . I did not want to fight anymore, as I didn’t find any worthy point in sacrificing my life for a war I knew nothing about. So I deserted. I left the war and decided to indulge in my own explorations of space and the thrill of adventure. I flew far from the war, in the empties of space when I was attacked out of nowhere and shot down. I crash-landed my ship onto a nearby planet.

After leaving my ship behind, I explored the terrain and came across an attractive and sexually simulating woman. I became excited and tried to seduce her. It was then that I realized the “woman” was made out of oranges and orange peels. I became upset, infuriated that somebody would deceive me in such a manner. I was determined to find out the culprit, and upon further investigation a forgettable dream character told me that the trickster was The Bear King. The Bear King reveled in pulling pranks and tricks, and that was how each Bear King was crowed: by pranking the previous King to become a much feared leader of the Space Bear Kingdom. I had never heard of The Bear King, but I didn’t care because revenge fueled my every move, so I decided that I would pull a prank on the King of Bear and Pranksters…and in turn I would become King. I was told that I was insane for thinking of trying, and that I’d never be able to accomplish such a feat.

I returned to the Bear Kingdom, bears lined the palace, The King’s Subjects. The Bear King himself sat upon an elegant and elevate throne further into the palace. Thousands of soldier bears stood in line between myself and the throne. I then approached the throne, carrying a covered silver platter in my hands. I walked up the steps and humbly approached the Bear King, and bowed. I told the Bear King that I gave up, that he was the greatest King ever. As an offering of my subservience, I showed the Bear King the platter. I uncovered the platter, upon which my penis lay. My dick was exaggeratedly huge, the width of a fire hose.

I offered my dick on a platter, and told the Bear King that it was a lollipop, a treat, that he had to suck. So, after having his ego thoroughly stroked, the Bear King accepted my surrender and stared sucking my dick. Another bear realized that the King fellated me, and the Kingdom went in uproar. Ashamed and defeated for sucking my cock, the Bear King left the Kingdom as the crown was placed on my head. I became the first human Bear King to uproarious cheers.