Exlain your strengths and weaknesses!

The categories are...

Inducing Lucids:
Dream Control:
Dream Recall/Waking to Dreaming Memory:
Miscelaneous Skills/Vices:

And anything else you want to include. It can be in paragraph form, but may be easier like this. Whichever.

Inducing Lucids: I don't have a heck of alot of lucids and really can't WILD. My MILDs are my most consistent, though. (Still not great.)
Dream Control: This is decent. My DC isn't really above-average. Most dreams even the most basic powers, (telekinesis/flight/etc.) require a good amount of concentration. Sometimes, fairly often, I have no special abilities at all.
Clarity: This is something I am good at. I can usually bring up all five senses and mantain stability and clearness with a little effort. My lucids are usually less hazy and more life-like then my regular dreams.
Length: Sometimes, I will have periods where certain topics wake me up, but aside from these I usually have time to do whatever I want to in my lucids and can keep the momentum for awhile.
Dream Recall/Waking to Dreaming Memory: If I'm using my DJ, I'll remember 3-6 dreams a night fairly vividly. (Not to all the minute details.) If I'm not keeping a DJ, my recall falls to the crapper.
Miscelaneous Skills/Vices: If I;m not in a good, non-stresed state I can't have lucids. This can create dry spells lasting months.

Your turn, guys!

EDIT: I just realized this should probably be in General Discussion, since it does not exclusively deal with DC. If a mod would be so kind...