Before I tell you my dream you might need to know some background information. This week I had exams everyday at school and yesterday I finally finished my last one. Today is Friday and there are no more exams so therefore we have to bring all our equipment to school like a normal day. On Tuesday my friends Dad went to sleep and very sadly did not wake up on Wednesday. This was a great shock to all of us and now I believe this event plus the stress of my exams is effecting my dreams. Here is my dream.

I woke up (false awakening) after sleeping in very late and I was already dressed for school so I grabbed my bag and ran straight out the door. When I got to school though I realised I had not brought my equipment, just my study notes that I had been using for the first part of the week. For sme reason I was really scared that someone would find out that I was unorganized and forgetful. So I spent the whole day sneaking around and pretending everything was fine.
At the end of the day my friend who lost her dad a few days ago appeared to me in a kind of vision. She explained to me that I was over-exaggerating and there were much more fearful and evil things in this world then forgetting your equipment for school. Then she disappeared.
After my epiphany I was filled with reassurance and courage. So I marched straight up to my teachers and told them I had forgotten my equipment and I got in so much trouble but I didn’t care. Then I walked up to everyone at high school and primary school (because they were all at the one school) that I had issues with and told them what I thought of them. Most of them were shocked that I was standing up for myself and my friends, but some of them were just angry. An overwhelming feeling of power and calm rushed over me and I felt invincible.
I decided that I would never bottle up my feelings again and stop being pushed around by people who thought they were better then me and my friends. Then I woke up.

This is one of the few dreams I’ve had that is not about love. I’m pretty sure its telling me to stand up to people that put me down and don’t be afraid of the evils in my life because there is worse stuff out there (death for example). So basically to make the most of my life and stop living in the shadows.
…Gosh my dreams would make good movies .
If you have any more queries about what my dream was about please tell me your ideas. I’m open to suggestions.