...everyone in the world spending at least 40 minutes every morning to bring up dream images, record them in their dream journal, and contemplate the deep meaning and subtl & profound messages in them.

I can envision the power of dreams effecting peoples lives through recieving inspiration, motivation, insight, epiphenies and enlightenment from them.

I can envision great gatherings of people all sharing dream experiences with eachother and extracting great messages and extraordinary insight from them.

I can envision billions of people, or a large amount of the worlds people being able to lucid dream extremely frequently. I can see people using incubation techniques before they sleep to answer difficult riddles, dilemmas, problems and mysteries in their lives. People could PURPOSELY make great breakthroughs for themselves by posing questions to be explored and answered in their dreams.

I can envision how physical human connection, bonding, compassion and companionship would be magnified, increased and strengthened through sharing dreams with eachother. We could help eachother derive incredible messages from our dreams through using dream interpretation techniques such as Sigmund Freud's Free Association, Carl Jung's Amplification, Fritz Perls amazingGestalt Approach and Ulman's Method.

I understand, and am well aware that our dreams show us what we truly think and feel in hearts and minds concerning anything and everything. I believe a person could enlighten themselves by interpreting, exploring and understanding their dream experiences better than anyone could including psychologists, therapists, ansd dream experts. I think if there was some sort of system or set of venues placed everywhen in the world where people could gather, share dream experiences or get help with understand their dreams could benefit our world in an insurmountable amount fo ways. I believe it could truly change our world positively so much.

I don't know where to begin or how to go about this though. I need some things that would be tangible and measurable-evidence that this system is improving the world.


---Maybe there could be a website dedicated to people who send their dream experiences, then under them write about how it affected their life in postive ways, how they used ideas and insights from their dreams to help them with their life.

EX.= How the dream motivated, inspired or enlightened them (How they learned from it.). How they used a dream image to create something positive in their life. How they incubated a question into their dream that they wanted answered in their life, and solved it in their dream (They write the question down on paper, contemplate it for 5, 10, 15 minutes before sleep, and how their dream helped them solved it.).

---Maybe their could be some sort of system where their are certain places in every city where people could go to share dream experiences with others and with eachother. THey could do some dream interpretation techniques to understand them better and gain insight from them. There would always be some type of 'employees' their who specialize in doing dream interpretation techniques and would always be there for anyone who needed help with trying to decipher their dream symbols and images.

----TANGIBILITY could be how many dream experience submissions have been entered, and by how many different users. Or for the venue system, how many people have came to it and had a postive exp their, how it affected their life. Surveys or questionnaires, etc.

---TO increase lucid dreaming capapbility, their could be people who give them tactics or advice to help them remember to ask themselves if they are dreaming or not

---There could be physical reality checks set up around cities everywhere in the world to help people remember to give themselves reality checks, such as signs like "Are you dreaming??" or pictures of people sleeping or something like that.

I know this stuff sounds far out, but understand this is an idea of mine that i want to manifest in this world. I want to help this world be a better place to live in, a happier, more peaceful, more efficient, and more appreciated world. I feel a great way to do that is via dreams, because dreams are so underappreciated and unrecognized in our world for benefiting humans. They are incredibly powerful, but SOOOO many people have no clue about that. I want the power and knowledge of our dreams to expand, but i need help.

I would appreciate if anyone could give me further ideas, point out any flaws in the ideas i have come up with and fix them, point me to people who could help me with this, ANYTHING.

I want to help make this world a better place through using our dreams. I can't do this alone, I need YOUR help! Any ideas, suggestions, advice appreciated. Please contribute.

Thank you for your time.