• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2009

      Sort of a technical question, I suppose.

      So earlier today I was driving home from the mall when my mind started to wander to things other than driving. Then, when I got to a stop light I fell straight into a mini-dream/nap thing until the car behind me honked and I startled out of it and went on my way. The odd thing about the whole thing was that I couldn't even vaguely remember what I dreamed about in those few seconds - though I'm completely positive I was in a dream state and had some sort of dream - even immediately afterwards.

      My question is then, why does that sort of thing happen anyway? Why does our mind just instantly erase all those memories of dreams? It's always bothered me that we automatically forget what's in our heads for that whole half of life that we're sleeping...

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Mar 2009
      If we remembered dream memories as vividly as real life memories we wouldn't have a clue as to what "really" happened in our lives and what hadn't actually taken place.
      Dream memories are definitely tagged differently to ordinary memories, you can remember that the memories laid down by dreams are different and have a different "feel" to them.
      I suppose, come the day you can't tell the difference, it's time to fasten up your nice white jacket with the straps and buckles on the back : )


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