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    1. #1
      Junior Member® Muggler's Avatar
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      Why don't we know we're dreaming?

      Ok, since we know that all of are dreams aren't real, and that it is just a dream, why can't we become lucid every time? I mean, we know it's a dream, we know that we can control our dreams, but why can't we become lucid when we know we will have a dream each night?

    2. #2
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      When you are having a Dream your logic center part of the bran turns off. That is why if your flying in a dream it seems completely normal.

    3. #3
      Junior Member® Muggler's Avatar
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      I know but, we know we are going to be in a dream earlier in the day, and all throughout the day. So why don't we know as soon as we are in a dream, that it's just that? A dream?

    4. #4
      Looking for you Arutad's Avatar
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      Maybe it's just unnatural. When you watch yourself fall asleep, do you notice how all these pictures and plots spring up and work on their own? They don't need us to direct them, it's like watching TV. So maybe there's no consciousness, nothing that would start remembering that we're in a dream.

      But such an explanation obviously doesn't explain how we manage to train ourselves to have lucid dreams

    5. #5
      Abundant Dreamer Bizarre Jester's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mancon123 View Post
      When you are having a Dream your logic center part of the bran turns off. That is why if your flying in a dream it seems completely normal.
      This is true. It's our imagination that is active. This is why people need to practice having lucid dreams. Most of us can agree that we wouldn't want all of our dreams to be lucid. They would lose that WHOOA feeling, if we had them 5 times a night. I also feel that non lucid dreams can be symbolic and we can learn from them.

    6. #6
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Naturals CAN do exactly what you say. It's all about awareness. If you are supremely aware throughout the day, constantly questioning reality, this trains your brain to do the same in your dreams. That is of course a simplification of the process, but you get the idea.

      Be more aware of where you are, what you are doing, and why every moment of every day, and you can learn to be lucid in every dream.

    7. #7
      Cosmic Citizen ExoByte's Avatar
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      MoS is right.

      But to elaborate, there was an article someone posted here that explains that during sleep, REM sleep at least, we are Right Brain dominant and our Left Brain almost entirely shuts off during that period.

      The left brain is mostly used in logical analysis. Even knowing that you're going to dream counts as logical analysis, however simple it really is. This knowledge could be temporarily lost during that portion of sleep.

      This is a simplistic theory, but I hope it illustrates my point.

      The article, if you are interested.
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    8. #8
      Looking for you Arutad's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Steel View Post
      Naturals CAN do exactly what you say.
      Are you speaking of your belief, or do you know a single person who can? Please get me acquainted with that guy

    9. #9
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      Quote Originally Posted by Muggler View Post
      Ok, since we know that all of are dreams aren't real, and that it is just a dream, why can't we become lucid every time? I mean, we know it's a dream, we know that we can control our dreams, but why can't we become lucid when we know we will have a dream each night?
      I've answered this question in another thread. We don't become lucid every time because we're not aware in waking life. IN waking life, we're actually asleep. Constant T.V., video games, and computer screen keeps us distracted from our senses.

      If you are lucid in waking life, you automatically become lucid in dreaming. If you live life lucidly you won't need to do any kind of technique, you just fall asleep and your mind is already used to being aware so you will just be pulled into a dream. Living lucidly causes a significant increase in attention, focus, and memory( including dream memory ).

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      “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein

    10. #10
      Member ChaybaChayba's Avatar
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      Wow thats a really good question there, never thought about that. I mean, if we don't know we're dreaming, there must be a good evolutionary purpose behind it, I really wonder what it is... I mean, most likely our mind is doing this on purpose, but why would it do this?
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    11. #11
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Arutad View Post
      Are you speaking of your belief, or do you know a single person who can? Please get me acquainted with that guy
      Woman, actually. Well, women. Most of the naturals I've met are women, come to think of it. Though that is based solely on my own perception, and not on any study.

      Here at DV I have met both naturals and those that have trained themselves to be naturals. The prime example I would give no longer posts here at DV, unfortunately, but you might want to send Naiya a PM, or catch her in chat (she's in there pretty often). She taught herself to lucid dream every night, and thus is my hero in the world of lucid dreaming. You can learn a lot from just talking to her.

      Be sure to read her tutorial (Naiya's DILD & WILD Secrets) as well, if you haven't already. I'm pretty sure ClouD is also a natural lucid dreamer, and there are plenty of others sprinkled about through DV, if you know where to look. Remember that reading DJs is a great way to learn about natural LDers, as most don't like to mention it too often on the forums for fear of giving the appearance of bragging.

      I'm sure there's a thread around here somewhere asking for naturals to post and let themselves be known. If not (be sure to search first) feel free to start one yourself!
      Last edited by Man of Steel; 09-30-2009 at 03:15 AM.

    12. #12
      Looking for you Arutad's Avatar
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      Hmm I guess I misunderstood the word "natural". I thought it was somebody ALL of whose dreams are lucid. That's pretty unbeliavale, the whole psyche of such a person would have to operate differently. But otherwise there are indeed people who lucid dream every night, thank you for pointing me towards more of them

    13. #13
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Arutad View Post
      Hmm I guess I misunderstood the word "natural". I thought it was somebody ALL of whose dreams are lucid. That's pretty unbeliavale, the whole psyche of such a person would have to operate differently. But otherwise there are indeed people who lucid dream every night, thank you for pointing me towards more of them
      No, you didn't misunderstand at all. As I said, my prime example no longer posts here, but she is, as far as I know, lucid in every dream.

      I don't have as much time to get around the on-topic forums as I would like to, so I'm sure I'm missing out on meeting a lot of natural lucid dreamers, but they are out there. You're very right; their whole psyche IS drastically different. I would say definitely for the better!

    14. #14
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      i'm not sure how rested i would feel after a month of nothing but lucid dreams. i think lots of people would end up with some serious sleep disorders from always being aware they were dreaming.
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    15. #15
      Looking for you Arutad's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Man of Steel View Post
      No, you didn't misunderstand at all. As I said, my prime example no longer posts here, but she is, as far as I know, lucid in every dream.
      Previously you said that she taught herself to lucid dream every night. That's different from being lucid in every dream Besides, "taught" implies "not natural". So I'm again confused what the word natural means, it looks like people use it differently and there's no signle definition.

      You're very right; their whole psyche IS drastically different. I would say definitely for the better!
      What is it that is different? Just curious about your opinion

    16. #16
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Arutad View Post
      Previously you said that she taught herself to lucid dream every night. That's different from being lucid in every dream Besides, "taught" implies "not natural". So I'm again confused what the word natural means, it looks like people use it differently and there's no signle definition.

      What is it that is different? Just curious about your opinion
      Oh, no, sorry I wasn't clear there; I was referring to two different members. Luminous, who I meant by my prime example, is a natural lucid dreamer and is, to my knowledge, lucid in every dream and has been since she was a kid.

      Naiya, on the other hand, essentially taught herself the mentality that I believe is inherent to naturals—awareness to the extent of instantly being able to subconsciously discern the difference between being awake and dreaming. I think she is, or was, lucid in about 80% of her dreams. My reason for mentioning her is to demonstrate that it is possible to teach yourself how to do what a natural LDer can do.

      What's different? Awareness. Whether conscious or not, the ability to immediately determine your reality is a pretty big difference in psyche, and in all likelihood has a dramatic impact on life that would, I imagine, be exceptionally hard to detail and explain.

    17. #17
      Night Stalker <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by HaRd_WiReD View Post
      I've answered this question in another thread. We don't become lucid every time because we're not aware in waking life. IN waking life, we're actually asleep. Constant T.V., video games, and computer screen keeps us distracted from our senses.

      If you are lucid in waking life, you automatically become lucid in dreaming. If you live life lucidly you won't need to do any kind of technique, you just fall asleep and your mind is already used to being aware so you will just be pulled into a dream. Living lucidly causes a significant increase in attention, focus, and memory( including dream memory ).

      I agree with this 100%. Lucidity means awareness. Living lucid has actually helped me blast my energy at a potentially violent crackhead that was asking me for money on the bus. It's in my non-lucid DJ. I was aware of his violent creepy nature. I had a feeling he was going to harass me, and I would have to intimidate him in order to get him to stop.

      Realize the illusory nature of waking life, and be lucid always. Be aware of what you are doing, even the simple things, especially the simple things. Chew your food with intent. Enjoy it, think about it. Don't do anything else. Don't talk with food in your mouth. Enjoy your food instead. This is an example.

      Most people go through life on autopilot, reacting to life, instead of acting in life. That's how 20 years go by, and they're like, oh, shit, I'm 38. They have a mid-life crisis because those 20 years blew by while they were on autopilot, working 60 hours a week, watching TV for 60 hours a week, and never remembering any dreams.

      I personally went through an earlier "mid-life crisis" in my early 30's. I was so unaware at one point, I had the windows of my bedroom closed for months, and I wondered why it was so hot. I didn't even notice they were closed the whole time!

      Lucid dreaming made me learn to be aware in waking life, and one day, I noticed my gottdamm windows were shut! Duhr...

      This is a perfect example of functioning on autopilot, and just reacting to everything without really noticing anything. Notice everything, and react to nothing.
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    18. #18
      Expert LDer Affirmation!
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      I once made a thread about lucid dreaming on a completely different forum, described what it was, and a couple girls there said that they've always experienced that every night, for as long as they could remember. They didn't even KNOW you could not be lucid when you dream. They are naturals.
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