Dreamt I was in Brisbane's main shopping Mall. The Mall is open. I was with two old ladies, they were polite and seemed to want my company.

Started to spit rain and they both pulled out their umbrellas. They seemed to indicate to me that they could not share their umbrella - I felt a small amount of hurt and blocked out and said "I have my own umbrella" The umbrella appeared out of thin air - no like magic but the dream added in the umbrella as an accessory.

I was still a few steps behind the two old ladies and felt slightly left out and decided to catch up.

I went to an underground shop with them. The fruit and vege shop had closed down (there were a few veges and fruits on the floor and the lights were left on. I knew in the dream the shop had closed down but tried to make conversation with the old ladies. The other shop - some sort of cheap mart - had closed half of the shop down and put a carpark in the place were the larger shop had closed. The two ladies disappeared.

The dream progressed to visiting an old work collegue who I had had a difficult time with but in r/l we are starting to reconnect. I was to stay in her home and rent the home. She had various animals and I felt happy. She seemed to be happy also. Her home was comfortable.

Then a picture of a dominating foster sister appeared - was 1920's style - I did not trust her. Her words were stingy and she left.

I remember slightly waking between dream phases and feeling deep pain and not being afraid as the release occurred.