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    1. #1
      Member arjunasorrowsolved's Avatar
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      Lucid Hallucination

      Well this falls somewhat outside the realm of lucid dreaming, but i was wondering what the possibility is of lucidly hallucinating. As in being able to deliberately create a hallucination while waking, it would be cool if you could do this without drugs, cool if you could do it at all i guess. It seems to make sense that it would be possible, doesn't everyone have occasional auditory or visual, or some odd random hallucination type thing. at least as simple as hearing or seeing something just for a moment, then realizing it wasn't 'real'. Dreams by most people considered not controllable, as here evident, can be controlled with enough focus.

      another thing that makes me interested in this is the capability of a friend of mine. He has developed an incredible talent for meditation and self-hypnosis, to the point that he has a world he can go to which represents his mind. He can go into a building in a city and there is a filing cabinet where he can access all his memories in file. There is no limit to this as he has thus far experienced. The majority of the city is made of a material he cant change, he believes this is the part of his brain, of things that are already there. He cant change ingrained memories. But there is also a part of the city where he can create anything. So far he only has enough energy to stay in this world a few minutes at a time, a couple times a month, and then he fades out. But he plans what he will do with his world and when he returns everything is the same as he left it, often more real than before, and he just adds on every time. He has a control system, represented in his world as a computer, which has used to create a sleep program and several aura programs. Aura as in, creating an aura of influence such as influencing people around him to be happy. I know that part sounds paranormal, so your choice to believe it or not. With his sleep program he can tell himself to go to sleep, and immediatly falls to sleep. He has to want to go to sleep, but that makes sense, as hynosis is only effective if the subject is willing.

      I was wondering if this ability of his could be used to create hallucinations. i'd start with auditory, it seems logical that if you have a song in your memory, and your focus is strong enough, that you could sythesize the song within your mind, as accurately as actually hearing it, but of coarse without physical external stimulus.

      If my friend wanted to develop such and ability, or if i wanted to develop it, i know we respectively would have to figure out how to control our own brains for this task. I'm just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with this sort of thing.
      yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source, that source is darkness within darkness, the gateway to all knowledge- Tao de Jing

    2. #2
      Dreamer Barbizzle's Avatar
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      I do somethign similar to this. I can get this wierd falling feelign sometimes durring the day, and if i catch it at the right time, can just clsoe my eyes adn enter a wierd dremaing site. I feel like im fallign the whoel time and can make things appear, or fly in it. It only last a few minetus, tbu it feels sooo good.
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      "Dreams are as portals. Flat visions of misty places. But I can write dreams!" - Myst Uru

    3. #3
      Member dragonoverlord's Avatar
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      I think your friend has acces to his brain in a weir way because it seems the file cabinet and the computer are medaforical things that are sections of his brain I dont know much about this but this is like something i saw on tv this person was thinking go to your quite place and they seemed to hullicinate a rainforest with a temple it was amazing. Although what am i saying is just my out put but it seems to make sense.
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    4. #4
      Member Syntex's Avatar
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      I have been trying to find a way for one to have "daylight hallucinations" (hallucinations while fully awake) for some time. I've studied this for a couple of years now, I'm positive it's possible.

      The big barrier here is simply that the subconscious mind thinks its way to dangerous to do this, it knows this instintively and it's hard to bypass this. Another barrier is you have to have a direct line of communication to your subconscious mind, thats stronger than just hypnosis. The only thing that is strong enough to do so is your lucid dreams, they are directly representing your subconscious mind and your conscious control over it.

      Your friend might be able to come up with something, ask him to try.

      I've come up with a system to make this work anyway however, and I'm just a few steps away from actually making it work. There's a great trick that I'm trying out, for now I'm keeping it isolated and a secret, This isn't something to play around with... as it is actually quite dangerous.
      I mean you may have control over your hallucinations, but unless you have a system of control, you could be tricked and get hurt... hence driving. Another thing, is it might be hard to just shut off, once you activate it.

      My theories behind this too: If you were able to get daylight hallucinations to work, you'd have 100% access to your mind as you do in Lucid Dreaming. Not to mention, you wouldn't need any media players anymore, because your mind could instantly do it. The benefits go on, but the dangers do too.



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    5. #5
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      wow, ive never been in such states, but i do go into states for how ever long there is quietness around me, where my mind will get lost into complete day dreaming, and im in a completely diffeent world, with ppl my mind thought up, i dont know wut it is, but my eyes are still open and can still move and i can kinda see the real world only its like im watching it from a microscope, and the sounds are dull.. i dont know what that is...... any suggestions

    6. #6
      Member Syntex's Avatar
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      Um in simple terms, thats probably just "daydreaming" in it's extreme.

      In scientific terms, your just in a hypnotic trance and your thoughts are becoming a story line that is overriding the reality around you making it (ext. reality) dull.

      Basically your kind of falling asleep with your eyes open...

      Thats always fun, i think...
      Especially if your in some class and the teacher is boring as hell.


      The human mind has far greater potential than society has conditioned you to believe.

    7. #7
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      yeah well i got detention once becuz the teacher said my name millions of imes and she thought i was compltely ignoring her

    8. #8
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      Try self hypnosis or meditation (call it what you will).

    9. #9
      Member dragonoverlord's Avatar
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      ive had a history of being really addidcted to things like pop and internet games but once i had to stop playing the game and go to bad and i started thinking about the game so hard that it was more real then any day dream, dream or lucid dream then i ever had where i was playing with the mouse moving that character around i stopped the incredible vision because i thought that was getting to weird.
      Some are born to sweet deleight
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    10. #10
      Member simpsin's Avatar
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      What game? ... just curious.
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    11. #11
      Member Jrels's Avatar
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      Re: Lucid Hallucination

      Originally posted by arjunasorrowsolved
      Dreams by most people considered not controllable, as here evident, can be controlled with enough focus.
      Yes, I think this is true. But I think the control has maybe one major limition, if you want to think of it as limiting. That is that dream characters seem to act on their own volition, I mean if you wanted you could dominate them by your "lucid powers." I guess what I'm saying is that LDing means you have complete control over you actions and decisions, and can manipulate the environment. But, for me anyways, dream characters will still react as if they are not under your control.

      Well that was off-topic and maybe a bit confusing. But I think as far as non-drug induced waking hallucinations go it would probably be like something similar to schizophrenia, which doesn't seem too appealing. I can see why the subconscious would try to avoid this from happening!

    12. #12
      Member infinity369's Avatar
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      i havn't read all your guys post's but.... i've posted topics on this before and i seem to halolucinate upon waking, i mean i've had dragons fly over my head while i've just woke up in my room, its pretty kool when you think of it, but normally my first reaction when its happening is great fear and i could say i havnt got and general fears but when you halolucinate somethink in real life you almost belive its real until you figure you were halolucinating. Im not sure if this is a downfall to my lucid dreaming or a benifit, as for how often i have them probably once every two/three weeks, giant spiders, small luminous stars allover my walls, maggots coming outa my door, holes appearing in the floor that's some of my halolucinations, im just wonderin do any of you have these? and maybe i'm gona go read your posts to this topic now lol.....peace
      To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

    13. #13
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      Originally posted by dragonoverlord
      ive had a history of being really addidcted to things like pop and internet games but once i had to stop playing the game and go to bad and i started thinking about the game so hard that it was more real then any day dream, dream or lucid dream then i ever had where i was playing with the mouse moving that character around i stopped the incredible vision because i thought that was getting to weird.
      I have experienced similar things after playing games a little bit too much.

    14. #14
      Member Tales of Symphonia's Avatar
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      My video game.
      I can do this when I first wake up, When I am really relaxed, meditation. And right before I go to bed when Im tired. Its not somthing you can control really, it just happens. But if some one was able to harness it, they would be VERY talented.
      One Lucid dream and hopefully counting!
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    15. #15
      Member Google's Avatar
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      I have stayed up for a full day and 1/2 or so and when you get really tired you start to hallucinate (almost a full on hallucination) its pretty cool. Search google to see more about it, alot of people do this just because it is fun. There is a 80's rockstar girl who did this alot. I am also trying to figure out a way to hallucinate in the daytime, seems like it would be pretty fun.

    16. #16
      Member nina's Avatar
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      Originally posted by Google
      I have stayed up for a full day and 1/2 or so and when you get really tired you start to hallucinate (almost a full on hallucination) its pretty cool. Search google to see more about it, alot of people do this just because it is fun. There is a *80's rockstar girl who did this alot. I am also trying to figure out a way to hallucinate in the daytime, seems like it would be pretty fun.
      Yeah sleep deprivation will do that to you. It's not a good thing though. Hallucinating is overrated. It's really cool when you start peeling the skin off your face because you think it is crawling with bugs. And when you are crawling around on the floor with a flashlight, peaking out through your windows because you think the governent is after you...that's REAL COOL. Seriously...come on.

    17. #17
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      Originally posted by Aquanina

      Yeah sleep deprivation will do that to you. It's not a good thing though. Hallucinating is overrated. It's really cool when you start peeling the skin off your face because you think it is crawling with bugs. And when you are crawling around on the floor with a flashlight, peaking out through your windows because you think the governent is after you...that's REAL COOL. Seriously...come on.
      Excuse my spelling, but I remember from Dostoyevski's "The Brother's Karamov" the interesting interplay presented between luminous delusions and paranoid delusions -- it was as though he was presenting the thesis that no evil can ever come to a truly good man. That would be nice, wouldn't it? But even among some of the greatest Saints there has been a mixture of Angelic Experience with a share of Demonic Torment. That is to put it into Spiritual Terms, yet considering the sleep deprivation and the constant fasting which amounts to starvation which these Saint underwent, it would be remarkable if they were not suffering what would be classified as paranoid delusions. And yet we need to realize that there are Manic Delusions as well as the more frightening and darker depressive and paranoid delusions. A friend of mine who was mad a a hatter -- psychotic as they come -- would stay on his meds for awhile after a particularly bad experience, but as time would go on soon his memory would do what most healthy memories do, in order to keep us going through life, and that is our memories remind us of our good experiences. A psychotic may have 9 paranoid delusions for each uplifting Manic Delusion, which can be most sublime -- a glimpse at Divinity if one is kind, or an experience of Luciferian Triumph if one is of that sort; but in the end they might still foresake their Meds if they think they are about due for one of those Manic Experiences.

      But maybe Dostoyevski knew something. maybe if one can ever become truly good, then maybe insanity would be entirely all goodness and light.

    18. #18
      Member Google's Avatar
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      Yeah sleep deprivation will do that to you. It's not a good thing though. Confused Hallucinating is overrated. It's really cool when you start peeling the skin off your face because you think it is crawling with bugs. And when you are crawling around on the floor with a flashlight, peaking out through your windows because you think the governent is after you...that's REAL COOL. Seriously...come on.[/b]
      Not unless your on major drugs...Sleep deprivation won't do that much to you. Yeah i know its not good for me, I wasn't even trying to hallucinate. I was seeing how long i could stay up. I don't know if Hallucinating is overrated, its pretty damn cool. I mean, the indians started it as a spiritual thing with peyote, it wasn't meant to be a phsycadelic 70's rockstar drug.

    19. #19
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      Originally posted by Google
      I mean, the indians started it as a spiritual thing with peyote, it wasn't meant to be a phsycadelic 70's rockstar drug.
      Okay... it is a charitable mistake that people make. It thinks the best of people, and that is kind, but it is not necessarily right. What people do is they assign higher motives and values to other people's actions while demeaning their own. So we have the statement that the Native Americans used peyote for strictly spiritual reasons. It was no 'Rock and Roll Drug for them'.

      Huh!? What's all that drumming and dancing around the fire for?

      Besides, are we to also believe that all of the alcohol related problems on the Native American Reservations is because of the spiritual use of hard liquor?

      I think it would be a mistake to suppose that the Native Americans never were able to figure out what a great party drug they had.


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