Well this falls somewhat outside the realm of lucid dreaming, but i was wondering what the possibility is of lucidly hallucinating. As in being able to deliberately create a hallucination while waking, it would be cool if you could do this without drugs, cool if you could do it at all i guess. It seems to make sense that it would be possible, doesn't everyone have occasional auditory or visual, or some odd random hallucination type thing. at least as simple as hearing or seeing something just for a moment, then realizing it wasn't 'real'. Dreams by most people considered not controllable, as here evident, can be controlled with enough focus.
another thing that makes me interested in this is the capability of a friend of mine. He has developed an incredible talent for meditation and self-hypnosis, to the point that he has a world he can go to which represents his mind. He can go into a building in a city and there is a filing cabinet where he can access all his memories in file. There is no limit to this as he has thus far experienced. The majority of the city is made of a material he cant change, he believes this is the part of his brain, of things that are already there. He cant change ingrained memories. But there is also a part of the city where he can create anything. So far he only has enough energy to stay in this world a few minutes at a time, a couple times a month, and then he fades out. But he plans what he will do with his world and when he returns everything is the same as he left it, often more real than before, and he just adds on every time. He has a control system, represented in his world as a computer, which has used to create a sleep program and several aura programs. Aura as in, creating an aura of influence such as influencing people around him to be happy. I know that part sounds paranormal, so your choice to believe it or not. With his sleep program he can tell himself to go to sleep, and immediatly falls to sleep. He has to want to go to sleep, but that makes sense, as hynosis is only effective if the subject is willing.
I was wondering if this ability of his could be used to create hallucinations. i'd start with auditory, it seems logical that if you have a song in your memory, and your focus is strong enough, that you could sythesize the song within your mind, as accurately as actually hearing it, but of coarse without physical external stimulus.
If my friend wanted to develop such and ability, or if i wanted to develop it, i know we respectively would have to figure out how to control our own brains for this task. I'm just wondering if anyone has any personal experience with this sort of thing.