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      Lurker Stear19's Avatar
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      Mystic encounter? (Also first LD experience.)

      Yesterday I attempted WILD for the first time. I failed my attempt though I somehow got up at 5 PM and proceeded to WBTB and DILD.
      Anyway, it is worth mentioning that I drew on the back of my hand a RC "sigil", that contains 3 roses and the word "Awake". The 3 roses don't mean anything specific to me, I just thought it would be artistic and peculiar.
      I usually RC a lot during the daytime, hoping that one day I will LD, and so, yesterday I had my first LD (though it wasn't vivid at all, many false awakenings, low recall, but it did the trick so from now on, I can proceed to "level up" my skill...).
      I had 3-4 lucid dreams, many began with false awakenings, and almost every time (except 1 or so), I would stare at my RC "sigil" inside the dreams. Some I could incubate faster than the others, like for instance, I could wake up and realize I dream by looking at the sigil, or I had to go through school, find that they teach math in the literature class, look upon my sigil and proceed to screw with the world around me.

      So what's so mystic about it? My RC "sigil" is. When I look upon the "sigil" in a dream, it does not simply vanish from the my hand. It changes. The roses are replaced by the image of a bee and the word "Awake" is replaced by an odd word, sometimes written using the Latin alphabet, other times, the word is written using a peculiar language.

      The first time I looked upon my "sigil" in a dream, besides the bee there was a word with many E K and Y, I pronounced that inside the dream though I don't really remember it. I said to myself "Hmm, that must be how THEY call this plane of existance." That was in the middle of a crystal crater, there was a pub inside of it, named "The Core". Inside of it, there was a round table with a ray of light coming from it, hence the core of the universe.

      My last LD had instead of a word a labyrinth, and I thought "Hmm, so they must spell the name of this world using a different alphabet..." It was very Lord of the Ring-ish that world, it seemed to be a parallel of our universe, except it was the past of it, during a roman war. I remember giving the command "Send me to the past". The other 2-1 dream(s) are/is way too vague, and I probably woke to lucidity using other ways.

      My question is: why would my subconscious replace the roses with bees? Does it represent that the during the dreaming state, I'm but a bee on a rose, and while I'm awake, I see the whole status of the roses, as in "The reality as a whole?". And what about the names? Do I just make them up as I go?

      I find this amazing and creepy.
      Last edited by Stear19; 03-06-2011 at 01:09 PM.

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