• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2005

      Lucid dreaming. The key to everything.

      This is the most amazing thing. Better than the matrix. A vitual reality. All I have to do is go to bed. Nothing to plug in the back of my head, no complex programs or machines. Just me........

      Only when I thought about it this way did I get this idea.......

      What is the difference between the real world and the dream world really? If your dreaming and aware how is it any different to being aware when you wake up from your bed?My most recent lucid dream, I woke up to another dream. From which I woke up to reality.Then the thought came to me......the only reason I don't think this is a dream is because I have never woken up from this. In my dream I believe it's real. I believe alot of things. I believe since it's real I cannot fly. I cannot do alot of things. I don't believe I am creating the experience. I don't believe I have much of a choice. Then I realized. How do I know I am awake really? I realized how hard it is to entertain such a question honestly. I'm sure I am awake! The problem is. That doesn't mean I am awake at all......That doesn't mean anything...... I have been sure I am awake in my dreams just as sure as I am now. The thought came to me my dream body is not even real...... How am I any different to my dream characters? I am just as unreal as they are. What if My dream body, my ego, is just a creation of my thoughts the same way the dream characters are.

      Yogi's lucid dream study......

      1) Become a lucid dreamer

      2)Learn to react efficently with the contents of the dream. (dealing with fears, fire, unexpected events)

      3) learn to control the dream contents

      4) Turn your attention to your dream body and realize it is not real, realize it for what it is. Realize your ego as just another dream character.

      5) See the dream contents for what it is, meditate on the dream characters nature, purify and blank all thoughts (in this state of meditation all that is left is the void)

      6) Realize it is all mental and fully your creation. Then turn your attention to the real world and see it for what it is.

      7) Realize yourself and reality. Become like christ, buddha. Merge your dew drop back into the water and be fully awake and aware of what you really are.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2004
      I couldn't agree more with your post. I have been interested in lucid dreams for several years now, and I think to say that there is a clear difference between a "real" world and a "dream" world is incorrect. There are so many aspects of everyday waking existence that are dream-like and so many aspects in dreams that correlate to the "real" world that I think its better just to try to be present ( 'hey, i am aware, and i am aware that i'm aware'). They are just different states of consciousness and to continually believe they are not fundamentally connected and related is a mistake. Unless you fear personal growth of any kind, life (in both dreams and waking existence) is never the same. I think our society (increasingly becoming the global standard) has cast dreams aside as just idle musings of an over-worked brain, but I think the reverse is probably the case - that they are of the utmost importance to us. I think all those questions that you asked are exactly why we have dreams to begin with - to help us understand how we create not only our dreams, but everything in our worlds. I just wish I could have lucid dreams more regularly.


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