First,to let you know,this has happend in the past,just didnt scare me as much. So I fell asleep listning to music. I started to dream,it was about me at some random house babysitting (I have no idea why) then for some reason the dream morphs to my room,these disc's in the corner of my room start floating,some demond appers. Then I wake up (I assume,I was wearing an eye mask) and I hear the demond running around my room,I hear it crawl up to my ear,and fucking scream. I pushed him off,I felt him and all of this. I pull of my eye mask,and run to my computer now. How did I feel this,how did I do all this while awake. I could move,it WAS NOT sleep paralysis. And this was only 15 or so minutes after falling asleep. Was this premature REM or something?