Only recently have I started experiencing WILDs, and they usually aren't on purpose. It usually happens in the last 2 hours of my sleep. I'll get up to go pee, and get back in bed, or simply wake up and then try to go back to sleep, and I'll still feel nearly intoxicated with sleep, seeing fairly vivid hypnagogic imagery, and I'll simply try to turn that into a dream.

Well last night I was doing this, and after about 1 minute of trying to go back to sleep, I felt like my body was starting to spasm and my neck started feeling stiff, and my jaw seemed like it was opening and closing. At first I was wondering if I was in danger, but then I figured it meant I was close to sleep, so I stuck it out. Then next thing I knew I was in a LD.

It almost seemed like I was having a very mild seizure, only no flailing, just mainly mild spasmodic and vibratory effects. Do other people experience this when going into a WILD? I know of vibrations, but I wasn't sure if this is what people are talking about, as I have not had this happen before.