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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Apr 2005

      Methods: Spiritual or Individualistic Lucid Dreaming

      Methods: Spiritual or Individualistic Lucid Dreaming

      It has been brought to my attention that I have been ignoring the Path’s of our Lucid Dreaming friends who reject the notions of Spirituality. Well, since there is a modicum of Truth in that observation, I decided I should make some amends and present a plan for those who would wish to pursue Lucidity apart from any Spiritual Connection, and indeed, this advice will make them even more proficient in Lucid Dreaming. And yet I will also give some advice to my Spiritual Friends, my admitted favorites, whom I would not wish to feel neglected even while I attend to those whom I had neglected before.

      But first, let me distinguish between the two separate orientations or Lucid Dreaming – the Spiritual, and the Individualistic. The Spiritualist sees Dreaming in General as a gift from the Collective Consciousness which is governed by the Wisdom of some Coherent Higher Mind. This assumption results to the effect of treating Dream Content as though it were somewhat Sacred – tantamount to Messages from God. So, with the Spiritually inclined Lucid Dreamer, Dream Control in asserted only carefully and discretely.

      The Individualist, on the other hand, sees Dreams as sourcing from the individual’s personal and isolated Subconscious Mind. Here the Individual may suppose that his own Conscious Mind is the Highest Wisdom that could be involved in Dreaming, supposing only that the Subconscious Mind could perhaps only slow him down with influences no higher than recidivistic instincts and almost hardwired superstitions. These Individuals therefore conclude that to take over Total Control with an Absolute Lucidity could only be an Improvement.

      So for the Spiritualist Lucid Dreamer, the Method would be to use Lucidity only as a Tool to help inform one’s Dream Choices. You see, to the Spiritualist, the Dream Self in inherently a wilder beast than the Conscious Civilized Self. We are familiar with the notion of the Subconscious Mind influencing Conscious Behavior and Attitudes. Well, Lucidity gives the Conscious Mind a chance to do the same for the Subconscious Self – to bring Civilized Attitudes and Behaviors into one’s Dreaming. So Lucidity is not used to wipe out the given Dream Content, which can be allowed to go forward, but one can use Lucidity as a Reminder that we can act in planned and deliberate Ways, in conformance to what we had planned in our Lucid Dreaming Checklists. I often use Lucidity as an opportunity to try out Mantras or Prayers that I had learned. An Old Guru had once told me that just a few seconds of Meditation in a Dream is worth thousands of hours of Waking Meditation, and I have ever found that the Old Boy had been correct. If one has properly planned one’s Lucid Dreaming Checklist, reading it over and over again each day, then the Higher Mind of the Collective Consciousness should already have planned some appropriate Dream Content – either affirming one’s Checklist Objectives, or giving Hint that the True Way lies in a different Direction – either Way, one is learning and advancing toward Truth and Wisdom.

      Now for the Individualist Lucid Dreamer: his Priority would be for uninterrupted Control of Dream Content. For this Dreamer, the Subconscious Mind (we will ignore the Collective Mind, since the Individualist doesn’t admit to that Intellectual System for Understanding Dream Dynamics) represents only an impediment to a Total Lucid Control. Here, the Subconscious Mind is forever plaguing him with False Awakenings and a pull into Normal Dreaming. So, here the Method would be to suggest a Divorce from Subconscious Influence. The Individualistic Lucid Dreamer should write up a Suggestion that the Individual Conscious Waking Self deliberately, with Full Knowledge and Responsibility for the Results, absolves the Subconscious of any obligations it feels it has in controlling and influencing one’s Dreams and Dream Content. Every morning when one awakes if one remembers any Normal Dreaming, one must remember to chide the Subconscious Mind for again interfering in one’s Dreams. Perfectly, here, one would wish to arrive into dreaming with something of a Blank Slate, or some Pre-Configured Dream Scene entirely of one’s own design, with any extra inclusions showing an unwanted influence from the Subconscious Mind which would warrant one’s subsequent complaints to the Subconscious Mind for its unbidden interference. If one persists, then it should not be long before the Subconscious Mind will entirely step back and away, and you will have total control of your own Dream Environment. No more False Awakenings, and no more slipping back into Normal Dreaming, since there will be no more Normal Dreaming.

      Such a Technique sounds almost good enough for myself to give it a try – I have been so persuasive, I have nearly convinced myself. But the Religious Habit in me runs too strong, and so I shall stick to the Model of the Universe which admits to a Higher Mind and a Higher Wisdom, in which Dreams stand as one’s personal Line of Communication to the Angels in Heaven and to God and the Goddess Themselves.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Although I prefer the Spiritual Orientation in Lucid Dreaming, there are the personal frustrations that often follow in the wake of that Way. The brunt of those Frustrations is centered upon the circumstance that our personal expectations are often either vetoed or sidelined by the Higher Mind which decides upon other Dispensations, which it is often slow to explain to us. We encounter situations where we have truly huge Breakthrough Dreams that seem to Break Through only into a vast arid plain of ordinariness. The Old Saints of more than one of the World’s High Religions have termed these Dry Spells to be something of ‘Dark Nights of the Soul’. Of what possible use could they be?

      I suppose the answer is, well, Organic. After each Breakthrough, there must be a period of consolidation and growth.

      Allow me to illustrate – One of the Apparitions of Our Lady was discussing the End Times and remarked that a Great Miracle would come as a Sign that would convince all People of the Reality of the Existence of God – even the Atheists, some of whom would even continue to renounce God out of stubbornness, finding too much of themselves emotionally invested in their Crusade against Religion for them ever to stop their denunciations, even while they can no longer sincerely believe in their Skepticisms. And then She went on to say what remains most significant to me – that ‘Unfortunately, it would then be too late for the Repentant to Convert’. This clearly indicates that Spiritual Developments work in Real Time – that Spirituality is not relieved of the Laws of Contingency entirely, and that there are certain Limitations that can even restrict the Doings of Heaven Itself.

      So, after our Breakthroughs, we can pray for Spiritual Light, and we can pray for Spiritual Waters, and we can pray for Spiritual Nutrients. And then we can Grow. And from Blossom to Fruit, it may take awhile.

    3. #3
      Member Cryptic Cane's Avatar
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      May 2005
      Chiding the subconscious to stay out of your dreams...could that work? I dont know about that...if the subconscious actually listened to you and abandoned its job, dreams might not even occur, since it does play a fairly large role in the workings of the dream.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Originally posted by Cryptic Cane
      Chiding the subconscious to stay out of your dreams...could that work? I dont know about that...if the subconscious actually listened to you and abandoned its job, dreams might not even occur, since it does play a fairly large role in the workings of the dream.
      Hmmmm, now that you mention it, there was a person who Posted In complaining that he went from being an extremely proficient Dream Controller to having no dream recall at all. So we must be aware of the possibility that the Subconscious could file such an extreme protest. But, then we have many instances of people being able to establish a level of Dream Control that quite shuts out and over-rides Subconscious Influence -- they report numerous Lucid Dreams everynight where all of the details are readily amenable to conscious control. It certainly seems that these people were able to establish an understanding with their Subconscious just as I have suggested.

      Now, that one person who wrote in complaining that his Dreams entirely shut down; he mentioned that he was having numerous False Awakenings -- that is, his Subconscious was actively trying to shake off Conscious Control. When this happens, THEN the Subconscious Mind needs to be addressed by Suggestion. Perhaps one could find some Compromise which would satisfy the Subconscious Mind.

    5. #5
      Member jill1978's Avatar
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      tampa fl
      I'm for a blended version. My subconscious mind points out my weaknesses to me, some of which are spiritual weaknesses. I also think the subconscious pieces together the coincidences we experience in everyday life that go unnoticed. I take these coincidences as a sign of being on a path with purpose.
      "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."Albert Einstein


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