I woke up a few nights ago and I was able to enter three WILD lucid dreams in rapid succession, buffered by moments of sleep paralysis.

Dream 1
The dream started from sleep paralysis in which I met the faceless girl again, but I was not afraid of her presence. I basically just explored my house and wondered if by doing so, if I were sleepwalking. It ended in sleep paralysis where an annoying two-legged creature kept jumping around on my bed drooling everywhere.

Dream 2
In my opening sleep paralysis, I had sex with a hot dude, and I think he might have been a vampire? I don't seem to remember the contents of the dream. In my ending sleep paralysis, I looked around the room and saw many cats climbing up on shelves and playing. The black wolf entered the room soon after and sat on the floor in front of me. The wolf seems to be a recurring dream character that I don’t really understand.

Dream 3:
I found myself in a large mall or convention. It was a magical place. I performed reality checks to ground myself within the dream and proceeded to ask dream characters questions. I asked what different people meant in my subconscious but I do not remember what the answers were. Eventually I found my old friend Mariah. I vaguely remember the conversation as follows:

“Hey what’s up. I haven’t seen you in a while! How’ve you been?”

“Yeah I know! It’s been alright.”

“Do you have any advice?”

“Don’t give up, Julie. You can totally get good grades. Even if you don’t get the best job, at least it’ll be better than most.”

I wandered around for a while, but eventually I felt the urge to pee. I confirmed with someone in the dream that I do, in fact, need to wake up and go pee, so I screamed as loud as I could in order to wake myself up. When I returned to my bed, my room looked incredibly fancy: red and fit for a rockstar. The star I hung up next to my mirror was still there, but the mirror was replaced with an opening to another area with polka dot walls. I was able to move for a short while and see everything fade into little red splotches - like the 'unbled' back into the walls.

I really want to find the red room again. It feels weirdly special and real compared to everywhere else I've been in a lucid dream. I wake up often through most nights and lately I've seen red spatters in my room which could be linked to the red room.

I notice that a lot of elements of REM sleep seem to intrude into my waking life often. Tiled floor will roll along the axes and letters/sentences/paragraphs occasionally move around. I'm not really sure what to make of it. I think I just have a really fuzzy barrier between dreaming and waking.