This is what I put in my dream journal this morning :)

I believe we were going o get dinner in the city down the hill. We were going to get spaghetti. Then, out of no where, I asked "Am I dreaming" then everything went black. I started yelling out "Hello?! Hello?!". Then when I stopped yelling that out, I may or may not have seen a face, this I can't remember very well. I tried to create a scene like a city but I could not, it was hard. I could not even move! Then I decided to wake up. I could still feel my real body somehow, it was tingling and I knew I could move it at any time but it felt different, like it was heave and just stuck in place. I got up and t was only 30 minutes after I had went to sleep. Is it possible that I had accidentally tried another method rather than DILD without even knowing? Also, is this normal and is lucid dreaming supposed to be hard? I only started trying about 3 days ago so might be because I am a beginner.

Thanks in advanced!