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    Thread: Pre-Cog Dreams?

    1. #1
      Member imported_waking_life's Avatar
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      Aug 2005

      Pre-Cog Dreams?

      I had a dream tuesday night that it was my cousins birthday, turns out it actaully was her birthday wednesday. I had no idea before this that it was her birthday coming up, and the only reason i knew was because my mother told me. Anyways in the same dream for some reason my other cousin wasnt there, and i asked why and the dream characters (all family members) told me they wernt going to tell me, i guess i am going to ask my mother if there is something wrong with her or something like that. I guess i really dont have a question, this is just a statment.

    2. #2
      Member TheKnife's Avatar
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      Jul 2005
      Maybe someone told you about your cousins birthday, but you didn't remember it consiously, but in your dreams kinda...
      You probably knew it, but didn't remember it.
      Or something.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Apr 2005

      Re: Pre-Cog Dreams?

      Originally posted by waking_life
      I had a dream tuesday night that it was my cousins birthday, turns out it actaully was her birthday wednesday. I had no idea before this that it was her birthday coming up, and the only reason i knew was because my mother told me. Anyways in the same dream for some reason my other cousin wasnt there, and i asked why and the dream characters (all family members) told me they wernt going to tell me, i guess i am going to ask my mother if there is something wrong with her or something like that. I guess i really dont have a question, this is just a statment.
      I hope you keep us posted on what you find out.

      And about the skeptics. has there not been enough literature about precognitive dreams to convince every rational person. The problem there is that Modern Science is not longer Rational, that is, it has given up rational discernment and turned into pure quantification -- nothing is any longer considered 'proven' until every infinite particular has been collected, which, guess what, is not even possible. It seems that the methodology of Modern Science has apparently been entrenched by nihilists with an agenda that the Authority of Science would only be thrown into the corner of chaos and dispair. That was NOT how it started out. Originally the Humanist Movement was concerned with Empiricism -- that the Philosophers leave their smoky studies and come out into the Day Light and look around at how things really are. Look and See. it was not about an ultimately futile quantification of everything. It was not about quantity but quality. Now, regarding Empiricism, how many Prophetic Dreams does one need to encounter before one allows that there are Prophetic Dreams. How many Precognitive instances do we really want to explain away before we appreciate that Dreams can be honest and valuable Precognitive Tools.

      I think the Great Scientist of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment would be rolling in their graves if they could see the perversions of modern science which no longer explains anything, but focuses only on explaining AWAY everything. No longer a tool for Discovery but the weapon used to bolster the Reactionary Doctrines of the Materialists and Atheists. They murdered the God of Religion and now they have set up their own Dogmas. But at least Religion had some ultimate Vision of Light and Virtue. Modern Science has given us predatory capitalism and nuclear weapons. Big improvement, huh?

    4. #4
      Member nightowl's Avatar
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      New York/Massachusetts. College can do funny things like that
      that's the trick with precog dreams. It either could have been really one or a coincidence. What someone else said, there's a possibility that someone told you, but you forgot, or subconciously you knew it was soon, or you saw the date of his or her birthday on the calender or whatever. It's up to you whether you truly believe it was a precog dream or not

      Curiosity killed the cat but at least it didnt die an ignorant bastard

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      I've had precognative dreams various times during my life. Mostly while I was younger, but I've had a few at least as late as last year. Mostly concerning my girlfriend, which is freaky as hell--Having dreams about someone before you've even met them.

      The biggest example I use when I'm describing my precognative dreams, is this one. I don't remember exactly when I had the dream, but I do remember that it was while I was living in Georgia. At least a year later, when I was in a school I had never seen before the dream, and I was surrounded by people I had never seen before the dream, I remembered the dream, and felt very strange, of course.

      In the dream, I was at school waiting for something. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for.

      A short, somewhat chunky black boy started talking to me about something, and I basically cut him short and told him that had remembered this scene from somewhere before. Just then, my mother came in and got me, to take me to a dentist appointment.

      Lo and behold, at least a year later. I was sittting at Henderson elementary here in Cheyenne, talking to my friend Derrek, waiting for my mom to come pick me up for a dentist appointment. He started telling me something, and I cut him short, telling him that I had dreamed about this event before.


      Honestly, my best explaination lies within the String theory. I believe that we all have the potential to communicate 'psychically' with the infinite number of other 'yous' in other world lines. Since, basically, it is possible for EVERYTHING to be happening at once with the string theory, you can get a multitude of information from the other infinite 'yous', at various points in your life. During sleep seems to be the easiest method, but I'm sure it is possible through meditation as well.

      I'm glad that I've started to keep a dream journal, as I may be able to finally prove that I've had dreams like this; predicting future events. I think that would release a lot of confusion inside me relating to the subject.

    6. #6
      Member imported_waking_life's Avatar
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      Aug 2005
      Im terrible with dates, especially birthdays, i dont even remember my mothers birthday, let alone a relatives. To be honest i think that the only birthday i remember of all people i know is my own and my brothers. Its always a possibilitiy that someone told me, however it would have only been my mother, and i am very confident that she didnt say anything till after the dream had occured.

      Iv had similar experiences before, occationally ill have dujuvu and then remember that i had a similar experience if not the same in a dream.

      Also just a few weeks ago, my neighbour my brother and i were sitting at the table, and the neighbour said he had remembered the same experience from a dream in the past. I think i confidenly can say i belive that pre-cog dreams are possible.
      checkout my novel http://novelog.com


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