Okay, so what do our dream-lives and waking-lives have in common? Transitions!

Transitions occur as we enter into our dream-lives from our waking lives and exit our dream-lives to enter our dream-lives.

Transitions occur throughout the day when we enter and exit doors, when we begin rituals in the day and end them, when we go to our daily destinations and depart them.

So basically the idea is to perform reality checks at the beginning and end of something to indicate a transition.

The key is to choose which transitions we decide to perform these reality checks at in order to remember to do them so they can transfer into our dream-life automatically.

The reason why they will most likely translate into our dream-lives are because these transitions happen in our dream-lives too. If you can find specific transitions that you commonly experience in your dream-life (dream signs) you can perform reality checks in those and possibly increase your chances of performing them in your dream-life.

We enter and exit doors in our dream lives, perform rituals, turn things on and turn things off, open and close things, and begin and end things. It's easy for these reality checks to transfer into our dream-lives if we get use to performing them at these common transitions.

Examples of some transitions:

Open and closing doors.

Performing hygenic rituals with water (i.e. washing your face, washing your hands, taking a shower, & washing the dishes).

Having a conversation with someone and ending it (not very good if you spend the whole day talking to people. lol)

Find one that's convenient for you and use it. You may also combine them for more success.

Good luck! Please comment!