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    1. #1
      〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Achievements:
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      DEILD - How can i be lucid after successful re-enter by DEILD????? (FALSE AWAKENING)

      Hi guys i've got a question about DEILD Method
      Today i've woke up randomly early so i've thought of performing DEILD
      Closed My eyes as fast as possible after waking up and didn't moved fully
      After few mins of just trying to sleep and thinking about sleeping i've happend to enter lucid dream but unfortunely it was false awakening
      Mom woke me up and told me it's time to go to school
      I was like i don't want to
      She suprisingly agreed for me to skip school
      Everything was realistic in my house no sight of unnatural thing
      Then mom woke up and i've figured out i had false awakening

      So how can i stay lucid during DEILD guys ?
      - Thanks
      Last edited by MisakaMikoto; 03-24-2014 at 03:26 PM.

    2. #2
      Member Achievements:
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      This sounds like a WILD attempt turned into non-lucid FA. It is quite common, but now that you have experienced it, chances are that you will recognize it next time and become lucid. A lot of my WILD attempts fail but turn into a NLD, and quite often I will recognize that I am dreaming, probably because I had lucid dreaming on my mind just a couple of minutes ago.

      (I called this WILD rather than DEILD because of the time elapsed, but it's essentially the same thing, so next time you try a DEILD, know that it may well turn into a DILD or FA.)

      As for staying lucid, there are many good techniques that people use. For DEILD, I like to simply count: "1 I'm dreaming, 2 I'm dreaming, 3 I'm dreaming..." If it works, I'll be in a dream by the time I reach 10. If not, I may try for a WILD. You can read more about how to do that here: Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams (WILD)

    3. #3
      〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Sibyline View Post
      This sounds like a WILD attempt turned into non-lucid FA. It is quite common, but now that you have experienced it, chances are that you will recognize it next time and become lucid. A lot of my WILD attempts fail but turn into a NLD, and quite often I will recognize that I am dreaming, probably because I had lucid dreaming on my mind just a couple of minutes ago.

      (I called this WILD rather than DEILD because of the time elapsed, but it's essentially the same thing, so next time you try a DEILD, know that it may well turn into a DILD or FA.)

      As for staying lucid, there are many good techniques that people use. For DEILD, I like to simply count: "1 I'm dreaming, 2 I'm dreaming, 3 I'm dreaming..." If it works, I'll be in a dream by the time I reach 10. If not, I may try for a WILD. You can read more about how to do that here: Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams (WILD)
      Thanks, i was trying to DEILD so i didn't even thinked about using 1... i'm dreaming method
      I'm back! Again? Uhhh..

    4. #4
      high mileage oneironaut Achievements:
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      ^^ Actually, the initial moments of that attempt sounded very much like DEILD to me. DEILD is a form of WILD, BTW, so in any case you were attempting to WILD (WILD is not a technique, but what is happening due to your techniques). It was not a very good DEILD, though, because the focus was not on your previous dream/your upcoming dream, but on going back to sleep. And yes, if you are taking more than a few moments to return to sleep during a DEILD attempt, you would be wise to make a shift to another WILD technique that includes things like a mantra or counting.

      Also, it seems to me that, unfortunately, you were never lucid at all, MisakaMikoto. A false awakening is not lucidity, it is a non-lucid dream. A lucid dream requires the awareness that you are dreaming, and a FA is pretty much the opposite. It can be used to help you become lucid, though, if you are able to recognize the FA during the dream.

      I suggest you browse the tutorials, MisakaMikoto, and read more about the specific techniques for successful WILD/DEILD's, DILD, and MILD. I think you might find it worth the effort!

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