Hi everyone! So, today, i woke up from a dream, and as soon as i started remebering it, to write it down later, i've felt a strange sensation...
In my dream i had an iMac, although i have a PC in waking life. It was kinda strange the fact that it had all the applications from my PC... but more strange was the feeling of DEJA VU that it gave to me.

In my dream, i KNEW that i had an iMac FOR SURE in WAKING LIFE (and here i probably gained lucidity for a moment, because i differentiated the dream world from waking life ). And even minutes from awakening, i still knew that i had an iMac, and started asking myself where i could have put it. This feeling lasted for about ten minutes, then i knew it wasn't true.

It is strange that i kept this sensation from the dream... what are your opinions about it?

Something similar occurred to me when i was young: i dreamed about a peculiar landscape, and, once awakened, i've had a deja vu, like if i've alredy seen the landscape, even if i don't remember it. Did something similiar occur to you?