
Today I woke up via alarm. It took me a second to realize I was just dreaming, so I concentrated on that last "frame" and started pulling back memory after memory, constructing the whole dream in my mind backwards.

More or less I remembered several scenes, but the last (First in chronology) I remembered was pretty weird: It looked like the preparations or incubation of the dream itself:

Imagine a panoramic 16/9 screen. In a window that took more than half of that space, were some of the characters of my dream, paralyzed, like mannequins, it was like seeing them from the booth of a recording studio. The bottom part of the screen had lines and info like this, embedded in a grid:

Code Description
002F Lady who pushes a stroller
003A Guy who bumps into other guy
0063 Grey box in the middle of the street

I was amazed. I've read the process in which a lucid dream is supposed to present itself, a picture that eventually surrounds you, but this?

Has anyone experienced something like this? Any incubation technique, or dreams starting like this one?
