• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member Grrrrrrawwwwrrr's Avatar
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      Jul 2005
      South jersey

      what happened to me

      i used to love rembering my dreams they used to be easy to rember mabye just parts of a dream some nights but full one at least 3 times a week i used to love to sleep/ i enjoyed writing down my dreams with the most discriptive words i can use[ i know that did not sound write] but my point is i cant come close to rembering my dreams. i rember mabye 2 out of a mounth its pretty bad [][][[][almost as bad as my spelling]][][

      whats wronge with me is there anything i can do to rember my dreams better please help i fin the greatest joy in my dreams
      "Extinguish the light in your mind so they can get some sleep"

    2. #2
      Member Dangeruss's Avatar
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      Sep 2005
      get the same amount of sleep every night. Keep a journal, even if you don't remember dreams. Just record feelings, fragments, images that might have come from the night before. Everything builds upon itself. Also try getting some more sleep, worrying less about your waking life, and getting more B6.

      Wake up to music rather than an alarm, and after you get up just sit still and go over everything you thought about in recent memory. Let your mind wander a bit, and you might stumble across a dream memory.

      I have some memory excersizes that help. Take more naps, and try to find when your thoughts go from waking thoughts to day dreaming, and then day dreaming to dreaming. Being more conscious of your thoughts is a good way to start.

      Sometimes I mistake dream memories for real memories! I find that reality checks actually help my dream recall, because they've tought me to be more conscious of my thought patterns when dreaming as opposed to being awake.

      i find that drugs and alcohol are generally detrimental to dream recall. It's harder to tell the difference between a high memory and a dream memory. I'm not accusing at all, if you don't smoke or drink then just try getting more sleep, and you should eventually be able to tell which memories are dreams and which are just memories.
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    3. #3
      Member Grrrrrrawwwwrrr's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jul 2005
      South jersey
      i am grateful for that explation thank you
      "Extinguish the light in your mind so they can get some sleep"


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