Last night I experienced something for the first time: being unable to know if I was dreaming or not. I used to have lots of LD and I learned to control them very good; unfortunately now, the last 3 years, my LD have reduced dramatically and I have maybe 1 every 4 month... sad.

Last night was weird, I was in a bus and suddenly I remembered that I had left my 4 month old son at home, and it felt really bad, but suddenly I thought "this can't happen really, it must be a dream", and it always happened to me that after I say that, I became aware of everything and the dream state show up, but not last night. Somehow I knew it has to be a dream, I made some reality checks, look at my watch, everything I could remember.... and nothing. I thought of jumping out of the moving bus, but then I said "...what if I am not dreaming?". I started looking at the people on the bus, touching the seat, the windows, and there was not the slightest sign of a dream. Tried to woke up because the feeling of not knowing (but deep inside, knowing) was frustrating, and couldn´t woke up either. Then the dream changed completely and became a regular dream. Have you ever experienced this? Being absolutely sure you are dreaming but not able to prove it? It was weird, to say the least.