Ok... I'm so pissed off. I did a succesfull WILD like last time...
It was a bit un intentional, my dad woke me up to look after to dog for a few min at 8, so I went upstairs and I totally forgot about trying to recall my dreams etc so ofcourse after 30 mins I could not recall anything. That was a bit of a dissapointement for me, so I went back to bed to see if I could get some more results. I did a WILD, and it totally worked, though different then I thought it would be.

I was lying on my back, slowly drifting off to sleep, and I visualised myself lying on a big mountain, sun on my face, feeling my hands brush trough the long grass, and leaning back on a tree, while looking at the magnificent view on a valley and big snow covered mountains. I imagnined myself sniffing up the fresh air, and looking at the view. Evertime I had another thought, I'd put it on a cloud and I let it float into the sky where it dissapeared in the other clouds. Suddenly, WHAM I was under pressure again, and millisecconds later I was in the vortex/wormhole I described earlier. Funny thing is, I could still hear the sounds outside. I was lying on my back, and I felt pressure on my stomach and it sort of hurt. I didnt feel pain but I could still feel it very much and it was annoying. I tried ignoring it and concentrate on getting in a dream, but it did not work. It was very intense it also felt as if I could not breathe, and I opened my eyes with alot of effort and moved my hand to make it stop. I was relieved that it ended... but also PISSED OFF! I wasted a perfect WILD but it was just too damn hard.