Hi everyone,

I've uploaded a new video (well two actually), exploring the Anchor WILD technique.
It's one of the simplest and least taxing of all the WILD techniques.

You can find the technique video below:

I've also shared music to be used during the practice itself. This particular mix is the one I personally use and designed to be as varied as possible, in an attempt to activate as many of the areas of the brain used in the processing of music. To give one simple example, music which contains speech or lyrics can activate broca's and wernicke's area. Other elements are likewise processed by different regions of the brain.
You can find it here:

As always, I appreciate anything you guys can do to help share and promote the video. It will really help in making the time and energy I invest into this channel a viable long term option. Your support in helping grow the subscriber count is absolute vital for the survival of this project. So, a big thank you to everyone who subscribes!